Days of Miracle and Wonder

Ascendant of Boston Marathon massacre. The confirmed time of the first explosion is 2:49:44 based on the start time of the race and the time on the clock at the time of the first explosion. This was calculated by my colleague Larry Ely. I will describe what Orcus is doing in this chart in Friday’s edition.

I’ve spent the evening at my desk, taking apart the chart of the Boston Marathon bombing, preparing for writing Friday’s lead article in the member edition. The chart for the incident is an astonishing chart, in how it describes just what’s happening.

It’s a chart with a prominent, as in very prominent, Neptune (which I describe in detail in the new Planet Waves FM). That’s about looking into a fog, a delusion, a haze of confusion. This has been playing out all week. The situation in the news Wednesday was utter chaos — on the part of journalists and public officials.

Rita Jeptoo, of Kenya, left, and Lelisa Desisa, of Ethiopia, right, crossing the finish line to win the respective women’s and men’s divisions of the 2013 running of the Boston Marathon in Boston, Monday, April 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

The false report by CNN’s John King of the arrest of a suspect causing chaos in the news, an arrest in the ricin incidents, the cancellation of the press briefing in Boston.

The Senate was blocked by a Republican filibuster and did not get to vote on closing the background check loopholes; people will still be able to get around the federally mandated background check just by purchasing at gun shows or on the Internet. Notice the determination of Sandy Hook parents and Bostonians to persist, to persevere. Humans are survivors and we are adaptable. We need to tap into those traits right now.

Meanwhile, the day was capped off by an explosion near Waco, Texas and another in Oklahoma City — close to the anniversaries of the prior famous events in those towns…it’s been a weird and interesting day.

We’re being confronted by so much; so much that’s unpleasant; so much of what humanity and our culture have created for themselves, for us. While planets are busy changing signs from Aries to Taurus (Venus went first, to be followed by the Sun and Mars over the weekend), I think for now the planet to watch is Mercury, as it makes its conjunction to Uranus. This suggests we’re in for some additional surprises. You maybe thinking gee, thanks. I would rather stop the cosmos. However…as your astrologer I’m here to tell you…the wheels are still turning.

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