The War Comes Home, to Boston

Dear Friend and Reader:

As of our distribution time, two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing had been identified. After a robbery last night at a Cambridge 7-Eleven and a shootout near the campus of MIT, one of the two suspects identified Thursday is dead and one remains at large, as the entire Boston metro area is under siege by the equivalent of an army — tanks, helicopters, SWAT teams and busloads of police. Meanwhile the world is watching the situation develop on live television.

Photo from page one of New York Times website today.
Photo from page one of New York Times website today.

One suspect — Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, shown Thursday in surveillance video wearing the dark hat — was killed.

Some reports say he was shot; others say he was run over by his own brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, age 19, who may now be in a standoff with police. Who exactly is in the house that the police have surrounded is unknown. CNN was reporting that police had asked for a Russian interpreter.

Tamerlan was found to have an improvised explosive device (IED) strapped to his body. Other people have reportedly been taken into custody.  [Birth dates for the brothers are available; here are their provisional charts, set for noon and relocated to Boston.]

After a night of bizarre developments, including the robbery of a convenience store, a carjacking, and a police pursuit and shootout, the scenario at this point is still extremely puzzling and does not resemble any other known terrorism scenario.

The astrology of the bombing indicated a rapidly developing situation that would get weirder as the week developed, and is not quite done. The chart actually comes to a peak on Saturday. This is described in the current Planet Waves FM.

The press is reporting that the house where the bombs were made may have been located, and there are reports of a bomb squad van in the area.

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