An Explosive Week — In History

This morning I scrapped a whole version of Planet Waves. Amanda Painter helped pull this research together. Here is some of that text:

The week we just lived through was dominated by activity in the sign Aries. There was one event after the next that involved an explosion, starting with the Marathon, then on Wednesday, fertilizer plant went off near Waco, Texas, leveling part of a town and killing several people. There were also several explosions reported in Oklahoma.

Moments after Ronald Reagan was shot on March 30, 1981. That was during the immediately prior Sun-Mars conjunction in Aries. The most recent one was this past Wednesday.

Two aspects describing this stand out. One was that Mercury entered Aries after more than two months in Pisces (including the Mercury retrograde in Pisces). Mercury entered Aries on Saturday, and walked across the Aries Point — the sensitive first degree of the zodiac.

As it did, that put it on course for the Mercury-Uranus conjunction that happens Saturday and the Mercury-Uranus square on Sunday. That aspect shows up prominently in the chart for the Marathon bombing and the other explosions, as we’ll see in a moment when we do the chart. The Mercury factor often represents a message, or something that can be read as one.

And the Sun was conjunct Mars in late Aries, which was in effect all week though exact on Wednesday, the day that the the senate voted down any new firearms regulations. That’s a hot, fiery conjunction in an assertive or aggressive sign.

Notably, this was the first Sun-Mars conjunction in Aries (the sign ruled by Mars, and where the Sun is exalted) since April 2, 1981. That conjunction was within one degree of exactitude on March 30, 1981, the day that Ronald Reagan was shot and nearly killed by David Hinckley.

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