The Politics of Love (and Desire)

…but first, a mental/emotional health check-in. Not only did we all live through the past week, we experienced the astrology in the context of our own charts. Our entire society, which now extends its nervous system through the Internet, was affected by what happened, by what we saw and heard, even if only through imagery. Images of mass carnage, whether real or fabricated, have been circulating on the Internet; presumed as real, they have an impact.

Aftermath of Boston Marathon bombing.

We were also shown the example of a major American city first under the influence of terrorists, then under martial law. There are political implications to this, and there are personal ones at the same time. If you’re thinking that the use of two bombs justified the house arrest of more than a million people, and that everyone acted voluntarily, please think more slowly.

These ideas would best be phrased as questions rather than as statements. Was that governmental response justified? What was the emotional cost, and the price we paid in our freedom?

Many people who lived through having their homes searched are emotionally traumatized. They may never think of the concept of ‘home’ the same way again. Our social contract in the United States is clear. “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” Was the response we witnessed reasonable, in the moral and legal sense of the word? We need to have a long conversation with our neighbors about this.

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