Fresh Out: The Re-birth of Enceno Macy

By Enceno Macy | Listen to Eric Francis interview Enceno on Planet Waves FM

This, of course, is my first publication since being released. Using the computer is amazing! Even though I don’t type much faster than I write, the ability to edit as needed is irreplaceable. Also the auto correct is such a relief. My laptop is futuristic. I didn’t know it could hold so much information or process as fast as it does! And to have any information on any subject is indescribable. I have learned so much already.

Planet Waves writer Enceno Macy

I must say, a change in perspective also brings the new challenge of how to describe some of my observations. But I hope to transition into this as smoothly as I have into the world, which has been quite an adventure. As Helen Keller noted, “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature … Life is a daring adventure or nothing.”

The adventure began on April 5th. The morning was overcast and cool. I woke up around 5:30, ready and excited. It didn’t take long to get packed and ready to go. In my garbage bag of belongings was my 13” TV, a stack of papers, my Chris Hedges books, my release orders and a box of saltines (I’d heard it was hard times out here and didn’t want to starve!). Against prison rules, I gave all of my unimportant property items to less fortunate inmates, in a last nose (and finger) up to the system I despised. The guards threatened me with dire consequences for not having all the property I had bought as I processed out, sending me back to my unit twice, as though they could keep me from leaving. They probably thought I didn’t know their rules had no jurisdiction over me anymore. So goes the big head of power!

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