Saturday’s Leo New Moon and all these charts

Daily Astrology for Sunday, July 27 by Eric Francis

The Leo New Moon happened yesterday at 6:41 pm EDT (22:41 UTC) — the alignment of the Moon, Sun and Jupiter with asteroid Amor, all of it square Mars, newly in Scorpio. Other asteroids right there in Leo include centaur Rhiphonos (which has not been mentioned on Planet Waves to my knowledge) and Panacea.

Of the first, Philip Sedgwick rights, “The name Rhiphonos means ‘throwing’ or ‘casting’. Rhiphonos was one of twelve sprites dispatched by Zeus to protect the infant Dionysus from Hera. When Hera found out, she was naturally enraged her and she changed the twelve into centaurs. These centaurs later pulled the chariot of Dionysus. I did not know that Dionysus had a chariot, but given his relationship with the sacred wine, it is good that he had a dozen designated drivers.”

I have a thick folder of charts from this summer. The weeks and the projects seem to be going by quickly — weekly and monthly horoscopes, birthday readings, Daily Astrology pieces, news events, and charts cast for aspects to investigate specific meetings of planets more closely.

I have two annotated charts for the Leo New Moon, the coming Mars square Leo aspect, the Aquarius Full Moon and Mars conjunct Saturn in late August; and going back, Sun conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter ingressing Leo, the Capricorn Full Moon, The Cancer New Moon, the Sun ingressing Cancer and many others.

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