Balsamic Moon: Wrapping Up Those Eclipses

We’re now in the extreme waning phase of the Moon — called the balsamic phase. Balsamic is an interesting word associated with balm, or something that heals wounds and soothes pains. I don’t know how this word became associated with the phase of the Moon when it’s waning less than 45 degrees from the Sun, but it makes sense, at least this month.

Photo by Eric Francis.

We haven’t had a Full Moon or New Moon that wasn’t an eclipse since the Aries New Moon. Since then, every lunation has been an eclipse, and that’s been making itself known as the sensation of extreme overdrive. That started to relax with the May 25 Sagittarius Full Moon lunar eclipse — the most recent Full Moon. But since the last eclipse in the series was a Full Moon, the next New Moon is like the closing chapter in the cycle.

The Gemini New Moon is exact Saturday at 11:56 am EDT. It’s not exactly a warm cup of tea with honey — the New Moon is making many aspects, in particular, to centaur planets Chiron and Pholus, as well as a potent asteroid called Juno. Those points are like growth checkpoints; the centaurs describe various shades of healing process. The trine to Juno — the most exact aspect made by the Sun and Moon — describes something opening up in intimate relationships.

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