Monday’s aspects, young Leo Moon

Following Saturday’s New Moon conjunct Jupiter, the Moon remains in Leo until it ingresses Virgo Monday at 11:37 pm EDT (Tuesday 03:37 UTC). As of the moment of this writing, the Moon is square Saturn in Scorpio (during which aspect I found my cellphone after three days). By my reckoning, using classical planets and Ptolmeic aspects only (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) the Moon will be void of course all night and all day Monday until it ingresses Virgo, at which time it becomes rather busy.

Question for classical astrology students — does Moon trine its own nodes count as not void? I have not encountered that particular guideline. Lee Lehman would know. Rob Hand would know. If so, the Moon’s void actually begins once it separates from a its trine/sextile to the nodes at 8:20 am EDT (12:20 UTC). The Moon will also be trine Eris, and sextile Ceres and Vesta.

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