Sun-Jupiter in the Most Mysterious Degree of Gemini

There’s one degree of Gemini that I’ve written several articles about and mentioned in many more. It’s the next-to-last degree of that sign. The late degrees of any sign can be a bit mysterious — astrologers notice that quirky things happen when a planet or the Sun is there. When the Moon is there it’s usually what is called void of course — that is, done making aspects to planets while in the current sign.

Photo by Eric Francis.

I’ve been watching this degree since Sept. 11, 2001. I know that to the day because it’s the degree where the Moon was when the Sept. 11 incident happened. I noticed it again the day of a huge earthquake and tsunami in December of 2004. I noticed again in the chart for Wikileaks. Then it turned up in several of the charts associated with the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Most recently (allowing a one-degree margin), it turned up in the chart of Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower — the guy who had the guts to remind us that we’re being spied on. Yes, a lot of strange and not-so-positive things happen when there’s something associated with this degree — and there’s also a pattern of the truth coming out.

This week, there’s a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in this degree on Wednesday — right at 28+ Gemini. This conjunction threads together all of those events.

The Sun is conjunct Jupiter once per year. Jupiter returns to a sign once every 12 years. So there will usually be one Sun-Jupiter conjunction per sign that Jupiter occupies. Sometimes due to timing factors when you combine two cycles (the Sun’s and Jupiter’s), the Sun-Jupiter conjunction skips a sign, though that’s fairly rare.

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