About that Grand Sextile

How are you doing coming out of Mercury retrograde? I’ve noticed that I’m still reassembling the bits of what went a little wonky, got neglected or went underground. I suggest you do a checkover of all such projects, and think back to what you were doing at the time the retrograde stated in late June just to make sure you catch all the stray kittens.

Chart for last quarter Moon, which sort of lines up with the grand sextile, Monday at 1:43 pm EDT.

Meanwhile, this is the week of the grand sextile. A grand sextile is planets arranged in every other sign, forming a Star of David. This one takes place in the earth and water signs. It’s not very clear in the full chart on this page, but you can see it more clearly in the simplified version of the chart here.]

You can see it with the green lines at the center of the wheel, which are trines (120-degree aspects), or the blue lines, which are sextiles (60-degree aspects). The red lines represent the T-square between the Moon, the Sun and Saturn that is happening at the same time. That T-square is as significant as the grand sextile — its message is ‘don’t take forever to do what you’re here to do. Time is of the essence’.

The grand sextile aspect pattern, for its part, is being touted around the Internet as a new Harmonic Convergence. We get these aspects from time to time and some astrologers get some buzz going. I keep reading that this pattern is completed by the presence of the Moon and the Sun, however, the Sun is in a fire signs, and not part of the grand sextile. The Moon comes sweeping by in a matter of a few hours, though its South Node — that little orange horse shoe on the left side of the page — stays where it is for a while. As for the Sun, it too aspects all of these planets, though the geometry is different; instead of a lot of trines and sextiles, the Sun makes squares, semi-sextiles and quincunxes.

I think this is a cool aspect pattern. If nothing else, it represents a moment of stability (the grand sextile), and some tension (the Sun’s various aspects) and some opportunity to weave together the pattern of your life in a conscious way. It’s very nice to see all the earth and water signs — the feminine signs — in the ‘on’ position.

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