The Slow Build of Mars and Saturn

The Grandmother Land in Ulster County, NY at dusk, Sept. 1, 2013. Photo by Eric.
Grandmother Land at dusk, Sept. 1, 2013. Photo by Eric.

This week is the Virgo New Moon, an obvious checkpoint in the year. It will be the last New Moon before the autumnal (Libra) equinox, with the added distinction of happening in an opposition to Chiron in Pisces. Because Chiron is so closely associated with the themes of Virgo and indeed tells us a good bit about Virgo, we have something of the perfect mirror.

Along the way there’s a series of poignant aspects, all involving blends of traditional and minor planets, which always strive to take us beyond ordinary consciousness. Monday, for example, Mercury in Virgo will be square trans-Neptunian object Chaos in Gemini, and also square centaur Pholus and a Pluto-like body called Ixion, both in Sagittarius. That’s an alignment that is, among other things, calling the mind to focus with an eternal question: do the concepts ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ mean anything?

There’s also the flirtation of how your mind handles the sensation of things seeming like they’re about to go out of control. (That’s a significant theme in our time of history.)

There are other aspects that are rich with information — such as Venus in Libra opposing Eris (a planet orbiting our Sun though far beyond Pluto) in Aries. This is offering some provocation to find oneself within one’s relationships. I read it as being about the ‘real you’ waking up in the midst of a coupling experience that involves the ‘relationship you’. These ‘two yous’ need to make friends and perhaps even fully reconcile their realities.

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