World Leaders Seek Diplomatic Solution to Syria Crisis

I would propose a rousing cheer and sigh of relief for a moment when anyone — most of us — thought a war or military strike as a bad idea or at least something to avoid — and SAID something about it. It was widespread public pressure and I believe Pres. Obama’s nagging conscience as a constitutional scholar that led to the current developments: that leaders are reaching for a diplomatic solution to the Syria crisis.

It started yesterday with a reporter’s question at a State Department briefing with Secretary of State John Kerry — the news media functioning as it’s designed, as an immune response. The question: what would it take to avoid an attack on Damascus? Kerry said: well, it’s impossible but it would take Syria giving up its chemical weapons stockpile. Russia picked up on the theme, then France did, and quickly enough the idea was being taken seriously.

Oh yes that and all hail Mercury in Libra. I said in Sunday night’s special edition of Planet Waves FM that Mercury in Libra translated to news about diplomacy. I have also suggested that we consider Mercury in its capacity of information about diplomacy as well.

Speaking astrologically, I believe we need to remain focused, because this proposal is likely to meet some kind of test when Mercury reaches its square to Pluto on Saturday. HOWEVER what WE did by speaking out was slow down the momentum toward what seemed like an inevitable bombing campaign in the Middle East and perhaps something a heck of a lot worse.

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