And as for that grand cross / grand trine astrodrama

In today’s edition, I was focused on the immediate news, the fiscal showdown/utter dysfunction in the U.S. government and the longterm issues surrounding the Uranus square Pluto pattern. I forgot to mention the outrage at vital services denied for taxes already paid.

"Good things happen when you don't use the flash." Photo by Eric Francis.
“Good things happen when you don’t use the flash.” Photo at Backstage Studio Productions by Eric Francis.

We are currently in the midst of a grand cross AND a grand trine, aspects that are each relatively rare; and we get both at the same time. I did not mention how stressful this astrology might be personally, particularly at the moment with the Sun, the Moon and a solar-lunar event passing through the cardinal cross. This is like a morph between focused in a crosshairs or standing at a crossroads.

As you’ll read in the post below (the SKY section from today’s member edition) and have probably seen a few other times on PW, tonight is the Libra New Moon. This event is opposite Uranus, square Pluto, square Jupiter (and a lunar point, and centaur Cyllarus) and conjunct a Pluto-like planet called Typhon. Discovered in February 2002, Typhon is named for the famous monster of Greek mythology, who in turn became the namesake of typhoons.

And while this is going on, Mercury is making a conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio. This adds yet another planet to the grand water trine, which includes Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Neptune — all of those planets are in emotional, passionate, receptive water signs.

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