Mars square Jupiter — Find the Edge by Experimenting

Today’s aspect is Mars square Jupiter — it has arrived (and is exact at 6:46 pm EDT or 22:46 UTC). Mercury is now in the picture, so what we really have is Mercury square Mars and conjunct Jupiter; like a guitar chord, there are a lot of ways to name it, and Vesta is right there in early Scorpio.

The theme I see is that it’s necessary to learn from making mistakes. That is to say, unless one is actually taking action to the point of making errors, there is unlikely to be much progress, much push, much of anything. The conventional wisdom of the world — don’t piss off anyone, be humble, don’t take on more than you can handle, keep your life in balance (et cetera and so forth) all fall flat when it comes to guiding yourself into new enterprises and new uses of your creative talents.

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