Scorpio Eclipse Conjunct Saturn: A Get Real Moment

November 2013 is almost upon us, and we are upon it — clearly the most interesting month of 2013 astrology. I would say “so far” but this astrology takes us through the end of the year, when a whole phase of history begins with the Capricorn New Moon on New Year’s Day.

This chart for the Scorpio eclipse shows the planets most closely in alignment with the Sun and Moon. View full-size charts for both eclipses with all the major planets here, and you can see the chart for tomorrow's Uranus-Pluto square here. View glyph key here.
This chart for the Scorpio eclipse shows the planets most closely in alignment with the Sun and Moon. View full-size charts for both eclipses with all the major planets here, and you can see the chart for tomorrow’s Uranus-Pluto square here. View glyph key here.

With that information, I’m a little ahead of myself — this Friday, Nov. 1, is the fourth of seven exact contacts of the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus-Pluto is the astrological event defining our current era. We see it in the news, as events shaking up the familiar order of things and insisting that we each take an active role in shaping what evolves next. Believe it or not, we will miss this energy when it dissipates.

Uranus-Pluto, in concert with the rest of the week’s astrology, is saying: Do it now — whatever ‘it’ may be for you. Uranus is potential disruption or surprise. Just remember to look left and right and over your shoulder, and you’ll be better able to respond constructively rather than react.

The New Moon of November, a solar eclipse in Scorpio on Nov. 3, is the other focal point of the astrology now. This is an unusual eclipse, filled with both mystery and revelation, and the ominous sense of being at the edge of the unknown that often comes with such events.

The charts convey a message about the need for both emotional balance (many planets in water signs, along with Saturn in Scorpio) and also integrating the intellectual and the physical (Mars in Virgo, among other influences) — said another way, aligning your ideas and your actions.

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