The Mars Effect — sample of the Cancer Sun/rising reading

The Mars Effect for Cancer. Design by Lizanne Webb.
The Mars Effect for Cancer. Design by Lizanne Webb.

From the introduction to THE MARS EFFECT for CANCER, which I am currently writing. Cancerians and Cancer rising may type in comments below if you have any themes you want me to address. Here is your sample:

In modern astrology there is a habit of associating the sign Aries with the 1st house in a chart. It’s true that there are some associations between signs and houses that run parallel, however, the discovery of the Thema Mundi challenges that. The chart has Cancer rising. Cancer is on the 1st house in the chart of the world.

When I saw that, the first thing I thought was: this reorients our concept of humanity from something that is inherently aggressive and individualistic (Aries on the 1st house) to something that is more embracing, oriented on nourishing others and with an inherent instinct to bring up the young.

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