The Goddess Reveals Herself: Bursts of Aries and Libra

Laser lights in the fog machine, "845"  party ad BSP in Kingston, New York this past Saturday night. Photo by Eric Francis.
Laser lights in the fog machine, “845” party at BSP in Kingston, NY on Saturday night. Photo by Eric Francis.

Note, Planet Waves FM will be updated Monday evening, on the eve of the Full Moon- total lunar eclipse. If you’re interested in the personal implications of this astrology, I suggest you listen to my  Welcome Notes for the Spring Reading, available free to all readers. That page also includes three samples of the readings.

OVER THE NEXT 48 HOURS, we get to experience some spectacular astrology across the Aries-Libra axis. By axis, I mean that the polarity that spans from Aries to Libra is involved, the opposition of signs that covers the topics ‘I Am’ to ‘We Are’ and back again. When you consider how much of existence consists of exploring I and we, it’s easy to see that these are two signs that can sum up most of human experience.

I’ve provided several different visual views of this polarity in the charts mingled with this article. There are two primary events and many smaller ones in the mix. The primary events are Mercury in Aries joining the cardinal grand cross aspect, which aligns exactly on Monday.

Then on Tuesday, there is a total eclipse of the Moon in Libra, which happens at the Libra Full Moon. Eclipses are mighty events, moments when we mark the time of our lives on the longest measure. They are points of no return, when events accelerate and often seem fated. They can represent developments that involve many people, and that reach across any kind of boundary. There is almost always some experience of ‘the unexpected’, which somehow turns out to be obvious in hindsight.

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