Mercury Rx, Neptune, Ceres: Letting your fantasies feed you

Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces today at 4:43 pm EST. It will continue its apparent retrograde motion until Feb. 28, where it will station direct in Aquarius. But for now, it is in the creative, watery sign Pisces, brushing up against Neptune and stirring our psyches in interesting ways.

Photo by Amanda Painter, Portland, Maine.
Photo by Amanda Painter, Portland, Maine.

Eric has described Neptune as “what many people feel but don’t have words for.”

Conjunct Mercury, this can include everything from unexpected daydreams and fantasies (and an attachment to them), to fuzzy intuitive tugs, to psychic intrusion by another person (or entity), to untapped or unconsciously used psychic abilities.

That’s quite a range of experiences, and with Mercury in the process of stationing retrograde, there could be some static on the line, mixed signals or increased sensitivity.

However, Mercury is also stationing trine Ceres — which, among other themes, is strongly associated with the idea of nourishment and food, both literal and otherwise. In Scorpio, Ceres brings out the nourishing side of sex and deep transformation. Trine Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, using sexual fantasy as a source of deep self-nourishment is a strong theme.

Not everyone takes sexual fantasy on the level of nourishment or healing; in fact, often it gets twisted into the realm of ‘exploitation’, unrealistic expectations and projection, as with much of porn. That is not to say that porn cannot be used in a therapeutic or enriching way, just that many people do not consciously take it there.

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