Mars square Saturn, Sun square Moon

Friday, Jan. 4, is the last quarter Moon: the halfway mark between the Full Moon and the next New Moon (Jan. 11, in Capricorn). This turning point comes as the Moon wanes, but it’s not about winding things down yet. Rather, it’s about a balance of riding on momentum and action. The emphasis is on focusing toward completion.

Simplified chart section showing Mars (red male symbol) in Aquarius almost square Saturn (gold squiggle) in Scorpio, at Friday’s last quarter Moon (that’s the Libra Moon square the Capricorn Sun).

The quarter Moon is occurring in the midst of the building Mars-Saturn square, so there are layers to the inner urge for movement you may be experiencing. Mars square Saturn is a call to action. It’s an invitation to get unstuck, and it’s also a caution to use your mind before you take action. This is Mars in Aquarius after all.

Yesterday Eric described Mars in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio (exact Jan 7.) as, “an invitation to think things through carefully, especially if they involve the assertion of will, the use of energy or force, and even the focusing of intentions. It’s not an accident that this aspect is happening the way that it’s happening; the role of Saturn in Scorpio involves finding places where there are emotional blockages and working them free. Think of Saturn in Scorpio as dredging out the bottom of a navigation channel in a river.”

That image of a channel in a river is an especially helpful one, because one key to working with Mars-Saturn aspects is the ability to focus the drive of Mars within the specific boundaries Saturn is describing. Right now Saturn is in Scorpio — a water sign. But if you try to push through with Mars along the length of the whole river of material that Scorpio can represent, you may find your energies dilute themselves to the point of uselessness. That lack of progress could feel very frustrating, and work against you if you get carried along its current.

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