Play ‘Misty’ for me: Mercury ingresses Pisces

Before I get into today’s astrology, I wanted to say a little something about what else goes on at Planet Waves besides the Daily Astrology feature and all the rest of the amazing content on this blog. The thing that first made me a reader and then a subscriber of Planet Waves was Eric’s horoscopes. They started out as a lifeline of sorts during a time of painful transition in my life, and became a trusted source of questions I never would have thought to ask myself and alternative perspectives through which I could find new answers.

Simplified chart section showing Mercury’s ingress of Pisces (green glyph with horns). Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) is still conjunct Neptune (blue trident); Chiron (orange key) is nearby in Pisces, square Jupiter (orange ‘4’) in Gemini.

Eric’s horoscopes still provide that for me, but now I’m actually part of the team that creates the Tuesday and Friday member (subscriber) mailings that feature Eric’s best and most thorough writing. Even before I ever set my sights on writing here on the blog (ok, I was terrified of doing so and had to be persuaded) I knew I wanted to contribute my time, effort and talents into making the Planet Waves for-pay services as visually and grammatically elegant as possible (Mercury in Taurus, and an English literature background).

At this point, in addition to writing for the blog two to three times a week, I am responsible for editing and posting most of what else appears on the blog — but the focal point of every week is the work I put into the Tuesday and Friday issues. This has morphed from simple proofreading the morning of publication to researching, co-writing and co-editing several astrology/news brief articles for each issue, proofreading and copyediting the day before publication, and then doing a final proofread of Eric’s edits to his lead astrology article and the horoscopes the morning of publication.

It’s really quite a production, involving at least seven people including Eric each week. And as much as it’s a labor of love, I’m also aware that the Planet Waves weekly subscriber issues are some of the more professionally-produced astrology ‘newsletters’ on the Internet at this point. And Eric’s horoscopes are still that good.

As for the current astrology:

Mercury entering Pisces on Tuesday (at 9:55 am EST) and conjoining Neptune (exact Wednesday at 6:00 pm EST) is like revving up the engines of the boat of creativity, and then as soon as you get to open water, being engulfed in a fog. We are in a potentially fertile time, but it requires special handling and heightened self-awareness.

It’s possible to navigate in a fog (and not everyone will experience it that way) though it takes special skill. Pay extra attention to your inner creative world without trying too hard to impose what you see on others. Creative navigation is to move through your inner world in a conscious and alive way.

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