Mercury conjunct Mars in Pisces

Mercury in Pisces is still the signature of this week as we wind down to the New Moon early Sunday morning — though on a mental/intuitive level, you may feel more like you’re winding up. It has to do with Mercury conjoining Mars in Pisces at 12:57 pm EST on Friday.

Simplified chart section showing Mercury (green glyph with horns) conjunct Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) in Pisces, just past their respective conjunctions to Neptune (blue trident) and approaching Chiron (orange key).

I’ll explain more in a moment, but first wanted to be sure you knew that regular ‘signpost’ events (like the New Moon and Full Moon) as well as rare astrology (like Venus transiting the Sun last June) form the backbone of Eric’s weekly and monthly horoscopes.

The horoscopes are what Planet Waves has been built on for about a decade and a half now, and for good reason: Eric has an almost uncanny ability to interpret both the ‘regular’ astrological events and the ‘super-special’ ones for all 12 signs. He does so in a way that not only makes sense intellectually, but also feels right — to the point that we receive regular comments from readers about how he must be a fly on their wall or read their mail.

Coincidentally, Eric’s uncanny way with astrology can be partly described by his natal conjunction of Mercury and Mars in Pisces — the very aspect giving this week its sense of ‘winding up’ even though we’re approaching a New Moon. In general, a Mercury-Mars conjunction is marked by ‘fast thinking’; Mercury in Pisces is a marriage of mental and intuitive working in tandem; add Mars, and you get some passion and drive of the ‘steam power’ variety, assuming other factors are not dampening Mars down.

It’s not enough to look at one person to see a real pattern with an aspect, though — you have to survey a number of charts. Traditionally, Mercury in Pisces is said to be ‘in detriment’ — that is, in a weak position and unable to fully express itself — in Pisces. Since Mercury rules the mind, communication and writing, one might assume that very few famous people known for writing, thinking and expressing themselves eloquently or powerfully would have this Mercury placement.

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