Venus in Taurus, Mercury-Uranus, Sun-Mars

We have some more Aries action this week: Mercury just joined the club over the weekend, and is headed for a conjunction with Uranus. However it’s not all fire and ‘me, me, me’ anymore: Venus leaves Aries for Taurus today at 3:25 am EDT.

Simplified chart section for the moment of Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) ingressing Taurus today. Mercury (green glyph) is approaching Uranus (blue ‘H’) in Aries. The Sun is just past Eris and nearly conjunct Mars (red ‘male’ symbol).

Venus in Taurus should help temper and ground personal relations, especially if yours felt strained last week. Venus rules Taurus (and Libra), and here the planet of love expresses itself best through the senses. Good food; beautiful art; sex that takes its time building to some serious heat with generosity and receptivity; literally putting your body in contact with earth; these are all things that say ‘Venus in Taurus’.

The Sun will be joining Venus in Taurus at the end of the week (April 19). That also may help slow your inner pace to something a little more measured than it has been lately. Any slowing and accompanying sense of grounding will better allow you to take in your surroundings (both the material and the people near you).

Before the Sun gets there, however, it conjoins Mars in Aries. That’s exact Wednesday at 8:20 pm EDT, and looks like a peak of heat, desire and motivation. We’ll get into that a little more tomorrow. With both Venus and Mars each in their respective signs, masculine/feminine and active/receptive would normally feel pretty balanced. But to have the Sun come along and conjoin Mars in Aries right before ingressing Taurus is a little like getting a shot of testosterone just before entering a field of daisies with the most beautiful woman in the world.

As mentioned, Mercury ingressed Aries on Saturday. Mercury is comfortable in Aries, making for a quick, witty, inventive mind. With four other planets still there (Uranus, Eris, Mars and the Sun), you’ll still want to stay conscious of superficial impulses and your ego/temper, even with Venus getting back to nature as she is: Mercury is moving into a conjunction with Uranus (exact Saturday, April 20).

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