Moving with the Moon

The waxing Cancer Moon is going to be reflecting, harmonizing with and pushing against a wide variety of energies over the next couple of days as it makes aspects to planets in several signs. What does this mean for you? Prepare for some changeability of mood (including various good moods along with others), from others and within yourself, and seek out constructive outlets.

Ferns unfurling near Nubble Pond, Maine; photo by Amanda Painter. To view a full chart for today’s astrology, use this link.

By the time this post publishes, the Moon will have already aspected Neptune, Vesta and Saturn. The Moon’s next aspects, which will be the most noticeable for readers in European time zones, are a square to Uranus in Aries (4:10 am EDT) and an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn (4:58 am EDT).

The Moon entering the Uranus-Pluto square (which is gearing up for its next exact contact on May 20) may have you feeling a need to express yourself in surprising or impulsive ways when it comes to ‘political’ issues.

It’s an emotionally unpredictable aspect, especially if the news of the world feels like it’s ‘coming home’ in some way (for example, the story about the Mother’s Day parade shooting in New Orleans — which was surprising, violent and associated with motherhood, represented by both the Moon and Cancer).

When you combine Moon-Uranus with the Moon opposite Pluto in Capricorn, the deeper ties between one’s psyche and one’s mother (or similarly dominant female figure) may feel strained or highly charged. Pluto is doing some deep, foundational excavating of that relationship, and any emotional expressions (even loving ones) could have some force to them.

It’s okay, though, even if it feels deeper than you think you want to go: immediately after, the Moon makes a simultaneous conjunction to Ceres in Cancer and a trine to Chiron in Pisces (exact just after 9:00 am EDT).

This says the channels are open to heal any deep, challenging emotions surrounding motherhood, nurturing and nourishment that Uranus and Pluto have brought up. Astrology never presents a problem without presenting a solution, and although working with Chiron may not feel ‘easy’, at least you know that what comes up can serve a purpose.

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