Mars square Neptune: Trust your intuition — but verify it

As Eric noted yesterday, there is a grand water trine in the sky now, with planets entering Cancer providing subtle changes in its flavor. Sometimes a grand trine, which is already all about flow, can start to feel a little bit like a whirlpool — especially in an element like water, which is itself about flow. On the one hand, this is great for getting in touch with your ‘feeling body’. On the other hand, it’s important to notice what you are getting ‘caught up in’ — especially since Mars is moving into an aspect with Neptune that could be a little tricky.

Simplified chart showing Mars conjunct Pallas Athene (exact within 32 arc minutes) in Gemini at noon EDT today. Mars and Pallas are applying in a square to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is part of the grand water trine, with Saturn in Scorpio and Mercury and Venus in Cancer. Also shown is the Sun in mid-Gemini. The Moon in Taurus forms the tip of a ‘kite’ pattern today, as it approached the Sun in mid-Gemini. View glyph key here.

Mars in Gemini is square Neptune in Pisces (as is Pallas Athene, also in Gemini). In fact, Mars will be exactly conjunct Pallas and square Neptune for Saturday’s Gemini New Moon. Mars aspects are often a more palpable as they approach than they are when they’re exact, so this is a good one to watch for and get a handle on now — or as soon as you start feeling it.

What does Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces feel like? It may take the form of a question, or a subtly nagging doubt: “Can I really trust my feelings/intuition?”

The answer — especially with the grand water trine in the background, amplifying our feelings — is: “Yes — but verify it, and remember that not everyone is honest.”

Since squares are generally felt internally, you have to account for your own denial, too. This is where many of us can trip ourselves up and get stuck in a perpetual loop of second-guessing and self-doubt. Is this dream really my heart’s desire? Am I just co-opting what everyone else seems to want (or thinks I should want)? Am I stuck in a vision of past desires that no longer fit who I am now?

The grand trine is a multiplier, so you’ll want to be careful what you get caught up in. If you find yourself in conflict with yourself, check in: are you sure you’re arguing about what you think you’re arguing about? What does your intuition say about the real issue?

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