Allowing inspiration and improvisation: Sun-Chiron-Uranus

Today, in a warm-up to the Virgo New Moon, the Sun is exactly opposite Chiron in Pisces. With Uranus involved in the aspect, it might help to think of today as a kind of a dance. When you allow the linear, technical elements (such as the proscribed, practiced steps in a cha-cha) to get balanced by unexpected moves (moments of improvisation that open up creative flow), that’s when you’re really dancing — even if it doesn’t quite feel like it.

Photo: Free Your Mind and Think/Facebook.
Photo: Free Your Mind and Think/Facebook.

Eric wrote yesterday that, “Because Chiron is so closely associated with the themes of Virgo and indeed tells us a good bit about Virgo, we have something of the perfect mirror.”

Mirrors are great for allowing us to see something that we could not otherwise: ourselves. In a sense, sometimes we are our own biggest blind spot, since we can’t see ourselves clearly without something reflecting us back at ourselves.

Thursdays New Moon, like all conjunctions, might feel like a blind spot. Conjunctions all require sorting out.

When solar consciousness and emotional awareness are so closely aligned, it can be hard to get any perspective on either.

Yet it can also represent intuition and the creative will aligning in a useful and accessible way. New Moons are introspective moments (extended moments, sometimes lasting through the whole dark phase of the Moon).

Today, Chiron in Pisces is like an illuminated mirror for the Virgo Sun — and will continue to be so for the New Moon in Virgo. Not only is it tuned in to a broader perspective in Pisces, it actually urges that you do something creative and productive with the focus and mental precision the Sun offers.

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