Allowing inspiration and improvisation: Sun-Chiron-Uranus

Today, in a warm-up to the Virgo New Moon, the Sun is exactly opposite Chiron in Pisces. With Uranus involved in the aspect, it might help to think of today as a kind of a dance. When you allow the linear, technical elements (such as the proscribed, practiced steps in a cha-cha) to get balanced by unexpected moves (moments of improvisation that open up creative flow), that’s when you’re really dancing — even if it doesn’t quite feel like it.

Photo: Free Your Mind and Think/Facebook.
Photo: Free Your Mind and Think/Facebook.

Eric wrote yesterday that, “Because Chiron is so closely associated with the themes of Virgo and indeed tells us a good bit about Virgo, we have something of the perfect mirror.”

Mirrors are great for allowing us to see something that we could not otherwise: ourselves. In a sense, sometimes we are our own biggest blind spot, since we can’t see ourselves clearly without something reflecting us back at ourselves.

Thursdays New Moon, like all conjunctions, might feel like a blind spot. Conjunctions all require sorting out.

When solar consciousness and emotional awareness are so closely aligned, it can be hard to get any perspective on either.

Yet it can also represent intuition and the creative will aligning in a useful and accessible way. New Moons are introspective moments (extended moments, sometimes lasting through the whole dark phase of the Moon).

Today, Chiron in Pisces is like an illuminated mirror for the Virgo Sun — and will continue to be so for the New Moon in Virgo. Not only is it tuned in to a broader perspective in Pisces, it actually urges that you do something creative and productive with the focus and mental precision the Sun offers.

Imagine that Chiron is reflecting the light of the Sun, symbol of ego consciousness, back at you. Chiron wants you to understand your capacity for awareness, healing, service and creativity not so that you can beat yourself up when you ‘fail’, but so that you can open up to more creative ways to move forward.

As mentioned at the beginning, Uranus in Aries is part of the picture; it’s making a quincunx aspect to the Virgo Sun. A quincunx is one sign off from an opposition. You get a similar sense of confrontation or encounter, but the adjustments needed to work the energy might feel less smooth, or like the resolution you’re looking for is more elusive.

Uranus (the awakener) in this situation is a message to allow in inspiration, perhaps in odd ways. Inspiration is not necessarily what happens with a paintbrush in your hand, but rather knowing how to use ideas that come in — the detours and circumstances that compel adjustment.

Between bursts of individuality, independence or inspiration comes the call from Chiron to notice the wider context, to integrate, and then to use the awareness in service of something larger.

On one level, that ‘something’ would be your own healing; on another, it’s the ability to channel that inspiration and awareness of your gifts to help out those around you. How much can you allow an unusual idea, detour or circumstance the space to evolve into its full creative expression as you care for others, plan out solutions and roll up your sleeves to do what needs to be done? Where can you improvise today?

4 thoughts on “Allowing inspiration and improvisation: Sun-Chiron-Uranus”

  1. Ps am glad to see that my recent tap dancing shoes dream seems to echo some of the current astrology, though last night I dreamed about a giant lizard leaping up into hole in wall and atttempting to eat Asian woman who was sleeping there. Luckily it didn’t. Let the giant lizards come….

  2. Yes, I loved this piece – I find it very helpful too. This is wonderful, “Chiron wants you to understand your capacity for awareness, healing, service and creativity not so that you can beat yourself up when you ‘fail’, but so that you can open up to more creative ways to move forward”. Thank you, Amanda!

  3. Amanda: Thank you for taking us deeper into our continuing discovery of Chiron. As Eric has repeatedly pointed out, we need to know Chiron better in order to better work with it. The “Uranus angle” you used today is very helpful and insightful.

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