Venus conjunct Saturn: Under the Sea

“There is virtue in being the low lying, still water some days.”
“Wanting to just live in the surface of the water for a while…”

Unrelated posts seen on Facebook Monday, Sept. 16, 2013

Tomorrow Venus exactly conjoins Saturn in Scorpio — an aspect we have been feeling build since last week, but which may manifest in a much more concrete form as the two planets align. The duo will also be roughly trine Chiron in Pisces — suggesting that you may encounter challenging emotions with deep, transformative potential, or the feeling of a ‘full stop’ on some issue. You might also feel like you’re having to fit yourself into a rigid mold of some sort.

Simplified chart section showing Venus conjunct Saturn and the lunar North Node in Scorpio (right side) trine Chiron in Pisces (left). Also shown: the Moon in mid-Pisces, approaching its conjunction to Salacia and opposition to the Sun. View glyph key  here.
Simplified chart section showing Venus conjunct Saturn and the lunar North Node in Scorpio (right side) trine Chiron in Pisces (left). Also shown: the Moon in mid-Pisces, approaching its conjunction to Salacia and opposition to the Sun. View glyph key here.

The idea, however, is to use that container like a diving bell or submarine to get beneath any turbulence.

Much could be said about having a ‘sturdy container’ in which to process feelings; the phrase ‘safe container’ is almost cliché in many spiritual, healing and creative circles.

Clichés evolve for a reason, however — and with the building Pisces Full Moon this week ramping up our emotions and reactivity, you might find yourself appreciating Saturn’s sturdy walls and the ability to set limits on how far certain situations can spin or flow out of control.

Since the Full Moon is conjunct Salacia and square the Galactic Center, the sense of vast waters and vast space could be overwhelming for some; going vertical by diving into emotions rather than trying to dissipate them might prove more productive. Think of being in a submarine during a big storm: the surface waves might toss you around violently. But deep below the surface, all is calm. It might be darker down there, but you carry your own light source.

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