Where To Begin — Aquarius New Moon

When the Moon conjoins with the Aquarius Sun at 2:20 am EST Sunday, they will make more aspects than you can shake a stick at. Because of that legion of associations, and also because a New Moon symbolizes a beginning, the implied question this weekend is where to begin. Since it will be an Aquarius conjunction of the luminaries, the answer will probably be “with other people.”

Astrology by Len Wallick

Connecting with other people is easier if you know their astrology as well as your own. The most reliable way to do that is to read all of the horoscopes Eric conveniently provides to subscribers week after week. Have you ever wondered how you might get that Scorpio to open up? Or how to get real with that Gemini? A subscription membership to Planet Waves horoscopes can help you make as many connections as the New Moon will when this week draws to a close.

Astrology’s indications are that you should be proactive while both expanding and tending your social circle as the luminaries hook up. That’s because Mars, the cosmic bellwether of recent months, will be breaking the Pisces ice with both Uranus and Jupiter.

The Martian semi-sextile to Uranus just over the Aries point next door will be the warmth you feel. Mars’ square to Jupiter in Gemini will be the heat you need to overcome. So, pay attention when your psychic antenna goes up like an infield fly, lest you miss the hottest thing since sliced tamales.

Speaking of hot, that’s how the lunar nodes have been. Slowly working their way back through the fixed energy fields of Scorpio and Taurus, the perpetually opposing points where the solar and lunar paths cross have been making connections of their own. Since lunar nodes are where eclipses take place, some of those associations have been to eclipses of the past and future, both recent and distant. The trend will manifest in spades this weekend.

Precisely in time with the Aquarius New Moon, the North Node will conjoin, to the degree, the point in Scorpio marked by the most recent solar eclipse back on November 13, 2012. You may remember that one. It was a week after election day in the United States, Mercury was retrograde, and Karl Rove was still looking for where Anonymous hid his cheeks, after losing face and getting spanked by voters.

At the same time, the South Node will closely cuddle with the location of the next solar eclipse, in Taurus, this coming May 9. It gets better.

In addition to being coordinated in time, the Sun and Moon this weekend will make a profoundly precise aspect to the concurrent conjunctions of the opposing lunar nodes. The New Moon squares both nodes (since the nodes are opposed to each other) forming a T-shaped configuration on the zodiac. That aspect is called a T-square, and it means that you will have the opportunity to begin the next lunar cycle in some exciting company, if you do your part to make it happen.

Eclipses are points of departure. T-squares are times of decision. Put them together in fixed signs, and wherever you are, so long as it is ‘with other people’, you will be in the right place. Heck, this combination of Sun, Moon, nodes, place and time is one of those situations where the proverbial mountain is willing to meet you halfway. Just as the Sun square the nodes indicates we are halfway between eclipse cycles, however, you must emulate the Sun and actually move into place.

Mercury, and its manifestation of mind, will help you find that place if you don’t kill the messenger. Tomorrow, the fleetest planet enters the echo (or, ‘shadow’) phase of an all-Pisces retrograde that will commence on Feb. 23. That means you should soon get a call or an e-mail from your past or future. Please don’t ignore it.

It may have already happened. If not, it will probably will happen before the New Moon of March. It could be a message from that person you used to see all the time, and haven’t seen for a long time. It is just as possible for it to be somebody you will spend a lot of time with in the future. Either way, there is likely to be some emotion involved. Please do not wear those emotions as goggles. Please consider the appointments made or kept this weekend to be where the rest of your life can begin.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

7 thoughts on “Where To Begin — Aquarius New Moon”

  1. Yes, this is a WOW Len, almost predictive, are the transit that transparent!
    So this yummy lovely read comes when my socially packed weekend is cancelled by a blizzard, and I am alone on the mountain, snowed in! Though Thursday was a community night, with a blast from the Past, and I did a tap dance on Nessus’ head, sitting right on my IC, where some sad old father stuff came into focus. Woooo hoooooo! left that one on the dance floor.

    Now new moon, well the sun is out and we’ll be shoveling the heater berm in Maine on Sunday. I may not go anywhere but the world could beat a path to my door, so I better shovel it!

    Does online count, assuming the power stays on? There’s some juicy phone appointments in the works this weekend.

    Happy New Moon, Len, and esteemed Planet Waves company. I can always find the cool folks to hang out with here.

  2. Strawberrylaughter: Thank you for your encouraging report, it brings me joy to read your words today.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you once again for your kind words and additional insights on the astrology. You are amazing.

    aword: Thank you for being so generous once again with instructive examples from your personal astrology. South node on natal Nessus sounds like karma written in upper case letters – wow, the centaur doctors are powerful with you.

    be: Speaking of “good one”, your sense of humor once again combines with your always erudite and informative elaborations of the subject matter. Your gifts are deeply and sincerely appreciated. Thank you!

  3. Good one aword. . mountains too high, valleys too low. . . I’m hoping to hear from Publishers Clearing House Len. We’ve never actually met but many years ago I plied them with lucky numbers they would send to me, almost guaranteed to win big bucks; always returned them on time with the proper stickers affixed too. Finally I dropped our correspondence as I sensed some fickle-ness (ficklty?) on their part. Too many others appeared on the nightly news with balloons and cameras and cash, and I got suspicious I was not the only one on their Special List. Years went by and finally one day not so long ago, in a moment of weakness, I did respond to their never-ending appeal to pleeeease come back to them. We’ll shall see if it’s Pisces Mercury that makes that call or will it be Pisces Borasisi again. 🙂

  4. Oh did I forget to mention transiting Nessus on natal Merc in yod with natal Atropos and natal Sisyphus? Oh yes, Len – without your good tidings – melded with all of PW – I would have found the mountain too high and the rock too heavy and maybe felt like the string was being snipped. A little node action is precicely what the centau — doctor ordered.
    Thank you.

  5. Thank you, Len. With transiting South Node on natal Nessus at 21 Taurus, who knows what may lurk in the shadows of past or future and become present?
    I shall remain as alert – or imaginative – as Neptune on natal sun will allow. -which no doubt, has endless possibilities especially as Nep/Sun is nearly square transiting Jupiter exact on natal Child.

    This very-much people person has felt relegated to the shadows for farfar too long. Much seems to be in the wind; certainly much is in the stars. From your lips to God/dess’ ears.

    Well then. Happy weekend!

  6. Excellent Len the end of your WOW article, it is very fair and I would say that the meeting is already scheduled for already 3 weeks and that we are halfway as the News Moon with the Lunar nodes axis
    Not told what is above is like what is down?

    With my apologies a very happy birthday magic enters your life and much success in your business 🙂

  7. …and all of this gorgeous energy cracking open my Pholus, smack-dab in the middle of my Neptune Square. Yes, thanks to all of you, life is beginning to look a lot like a place I belong.

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