At The Crossroads – Venus and Mars in Conjunction

By Len Wallick

Standin’ at the crossroad / risin’ Sun goin’ down…

– Robert Johnson “Cross Road Blues”

Our week starts off with a Taurus conjunction of Venus and Mars. On the surface, this aspect would appear to be exclusively earthy and sensual. This interpretation is part of the picture, since the energies of the divine feminine and masculine are clearly merging in the fertile fields of self-possession. As with all things aesthetic, however, that perspective will do for the day but it does not satisfy for the long term. In the big picture, there is something more going on.

In the longer and wider view, this conjunction of Venus and Mars is a tipping point. In our public and private lives, it finds us at a crossroads. This intersection has to do with the issues of power and gender in relationship, as current events verify.

The former chief of the International Monetary Fund and the previous governor of California are finding themselves being called accountable. In their respective legal and public arenas, both of these male humans (one hesitates call them men) are facing consequences for sexual behavior taken with impunity and out of a sense of entitlement. Having been so invested in their power, both Mr. Strauss-Kahn and Mr. Schwarzenegger are undoubtedly surprised that things would have come to such an awkward pass.

By the same token, no one of us can foretell with certainty the outcome for these two representatives of the patriarchy. It is meaningful but still largely symbolic that both are being called onto the carpet they thought they owned. While many are clear in their opinions, there is no clarity on the eventual resolution. Whether or not Strauss-Kahn is subject to just process and how the Governator’s prolonged indiscretion will affect his status and earning power will go a long way towards helping us to evaluate where we all are in our collective social evolution.

In the last full year of his life, the great astrologer Robert P. Blaschke, offered some profound foresight on where we are today. In an August 9, 2010 blog to The Mountain Astrologer, Mr. Blaschke observed that we are in the midst of a century-long aberration in the cyclical relationship between Venus and Mars. He hypothesized that this period represents an opportunity to re-boot a corresponding ingrained social pattern that “…has become stagnant and thus needs to transmute into a different form.” Given what Venus and Mars represent in our minds, and judging from what is going on now, that pattern evidently includes issues of gender and power in relationship.

It seems the astrology and corresponding real-world events are both up in the air at this tipping point. That does not mean, however, that we are without a clue as to the probable outcome. Evidence can be found in the respective apparent motions of Venus and Mars at this conjunction. Even more important is the larger context in which their meeting is taking place.

Mars appears to be rising in the pre-dawn sky. In fact, the faster moving Sun is leaving it behind. It is a paradox just as Robert Johnson described it — the rising Sun is going down. The representative of divine masculine is being compelled to individuate and grow up. Enforced to explore in search of a newly viable identity, it promises to be a laborious and lonely voyage.

In contrast, Venus is both accelerating and approaching the Sun from our perspective. It is finished with exploring and is in the process of taking its morning discoveries back to Sol. It is on the way towards a disappearance behind our local star in order to be transmuted to a different form when it becomes visible again in the western sky. The divine feminine is thus symbolically further along in its evolution than its counterpart at this junction. The question is, will that, and its powerful company in the form of the Sun, make the feminine more compassionate or less so?

While the separate motions of each object tell us about their status, that information does not give us any idea how high the stakes of our current predicament really are. Above all, it is the context of both placement and timing that is most important. This singular conjunction of Venus and Mars places us on an expanding threshold. As we enter the last lunar quarter before a month and a half of eclipses, we face some sense of urgency to change in order to survive. Fortunately, the astrology indicates that it is not the material world that needs to be re-made in an instant. Rather it is the inner work that needs to be done and done soon.

It begins with you, and every other human being, on the inside. We are being called upon to consciously continue the work we somehow started about 50 years ago. That continued work would have each one of us loudly and proudly claiming our selves at every opportunity. We would then proceed to stand in the power of that claim without interfering with our neighbor’s expression of the same. We have made a decent start on those things, but the hardest part must be attended to before the inner work is complete. We must reach out.

We are approaching a threshold. On this side is what we are, and we must accept that. On the other side is what we can be, and it is that which we must embrace. None of us can cross over alone. Nor can we afford to leave anyone behind. Every human being is a living purpose. Reach out and take that purpose by the hand. Let that clasping be a living crossroads made of flesh, bones and blood. It might just be exactly what you need to make it across yourself.

Offered In Service

10 thoughts on “At The Crossroads – Venus and Mars in Conjunction”

  1. Thanks, Len. Your generous thoughtful and insightful words lend a bit of ease to this transition.

    It is somewhat awkward to embrace that which I know is beautiful and right, having lived the habit of believing that which is beautiful and right cannot be real, or if felt will be sorely punished.

    Perhaps we are enjoying the rapture after all.

  2. bk,

    “As you noted, this conjunction is a tipping point and in order for there to be balance, there has to be added weight to the side of the scales that has so long been the lighter of the two, the feminine. ”

    I would add that by “feminine” it means the traditional feminine, not the current feminist. Feminine is receptive, strong, submissive but active with agency, an active participant and initiator as well as a collaborator, compassionate and unthreatened by male virility, lust, and strength. It is time to value the mothering, creative, nurturing, protective, deeply sexual, intelligent, compassionate, organized, practical, leader that is the feminine. And it is time to acknowledge the responsive of the feminine to the masculine energies instead of trying to emulate them while emasculating males.

    At least that’s my definition of the feminine.

  3. Len,
    Sometimes I have to wonder, if it weren’t for your reminder (and Eric’s) hither tither, what my otherwise responses to the immediate environment would be like? Compassion is not the most organic emotion behind the veneer, but in reading your astrology I am being reminded to nurture it. Compassion begins somewhere, and I thank you for extending yours.

  4. Thank you Len for your eloquent words– I can always use more discussion about the balancing act between male and female.

    ps Love the new logo!!

  5. Len,

    Thanks for your examination of this phenomenon between Venus and Mars, and the changing roles of male and female. Just today, Martin Bashir on MSNBC tried to discuss the music industry’s portrayal of female singers as ubersexual while male singers like Justin B are portrayed as naive children. His guest ( a psychologist!) totally missed the point and got rather defensive. Too bad Martin didn’t have a good astrologer to interview, huh?

    Since the last conjunction between Venus and Mars was only nine months ago (August 20), one has to be forgiven for thinking of the human gestation period, and that maybe we humans are birthing (and I mean NEW born) the social pattern Blaschke spoke of which needs transmuting. That conjunction took place in Libra which Venus rules, and today’s conjunction in Taurus is also ruled by Venus. I can see why you might ask whether the feminine might become more compassionate or less so.

    As you noted, this conjunction is a tipping point and in order for there to be balance, there has to be added weight to the side of the scales that has so long been the lighter of the two, the feminine. When in earlier times roles have had to change, there has been confusion and experimenting for a period until at last the new forms become clear. Isn’t that what we are seeing now in the exagerated role models created by the entertainment/arts field?

    Still, the basic Venus and basic Mars energies prevail in other ways. Their coming-together timing last August gave us the ending of the U.S military presence in Iraq, the martian energy subdued by the Libra-venusian energy of air through thoughtful negotiation. Today we have the martian energy expressed through earthy, substantial Taurus in the historically oversized tornado that hit Missouri yesterday. We are starting to see the venusian counter-balance of aiding the victims of this tragedy with comfort and the necessities of life like food and shelter. It may take Mars a while to flounder for his newly viable identity, and the Venus identity will also run the gamut while exploring all the possible manifestations, but in the end we mortals will realize that the answer is in the balance found in togetherness.

    Like you said Len, We must reach out. We are all one.

  6. Great column Len. And I love Robert Johnson. He seems to have spoken to many, many people. Alexie Sherman, the Washington novelist, uses his song as a metaphor for one of his stories.

  7. I’m hoping that through this series of conjunctions we have learned (a little at least) about how to integrate the best of what both of these energies have to offer. in hopes of achieving a harmony-balance. vs. a either/or or a wild swing to the extremes. (a see-saw comes to mind.)

    inclusion. my new fav. word.


    reaching out. let’s help one another.


    p.s like the new pic. the other one made me a little dizzy if I stared too long.

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