The waxing Moon enters home-loving Cancer today, making this a good weekend to nest in. But Cancer is an emotional sign, so be prepared to feel anything that comes up for you a bit more deeply than usual over the next couple days, as the Moon picks up on considerable energy currently in Pisces. Note that the Moon is building toward the Virgo Full Moon on March 8.

Closer to the present moment, there are a number of aspects this weekend that point to turning points in relationships, including leaving behind one form of relating for another – or perhaps finding a new perspective on how your relationships can work. There are also some potentially volatile triggers in the sky, calling for awareness as to whether any conflict you may experience is actually located between you and another, or within yourself.
Today Mercury enters Aries, where it will conjoin Vesta and Uranus. Mercury in Aries is quick and impetuous anyway; add Uranus, and the potential for rashness increases exponentially. But this same alignment is also a source of potentially excellent ideas, and a drive for personal liberation.
Keep in mind how sudden decisions may impact your personal relationships, no matter how enthusiastic you may be about them. Anything you decide now is subject to revision, as Mercury is currently treading the degrees where it will be retrograde between March 12 and April 4.
Mercury conjunct Vesta is a reminder to be wary of any tendency toward self-sacrifice for anything that is less than what is right for you. But it’s equally a reminder to be alert for self-obsession. Vesta is about devotion, so we can take this aspect as a question: What are you devoted to?
Meanwhile there’s a T-square made up of the Pisces Sun opposite retrograde Mars in Virgo, and both of them square a deep-space point called the Great Attractor. The GA is in mid-Sagittarius, and it has the effect of polarizing people and situations.
With this whole setup, there are two kinds of tension: the square tension is felt internally and wants us to act on it to resolve it; the opposition tension seems to be located between us and someone else, and responds well to careful negotiation with each side separately. Mars retrograde (close to Psyche) suggests you watch out for self-criticism if your desire to ‘fix yourself’ seems at odds with the ‘you’ you’d like to be. If the goal looks unattainable, remember that picking on yourself won’t get you there any faster – and the first step is simply to envision how you’d like to feel.
On the other hand, you may feel an urge to step out of any relationship that is not serving your growth goals. Ask yourself whether the relationship itself is holding you back, or your conception of it. Mars opposite the Sun is an aspect that could light tempers, so keep an eye on your emotional temperature and step back before you get too hot. Action need not be dramatic to effect significant change – perspective can count for a lot. Mars close to Psyche (with both retrograde) is a caution against passive-aggressive activity such as sabotaging a situation you don’t want to deal with directly.
As mentioned in this space earlier this week, Venus is in late Aries opposing retrograde Saturn in Libra. We described this aspect in Monday’s Daily Astrology:
Venus in Aries can be an uncomfortable place for the goddess of love, since it brings out a tendency toward self-absorption; Saturn in Libra has been pushing us to restructure and rebalance our interpersonal relationships, and since it has been retrograde, our inner experience of them. This looks like a question of balancing the need for individuality with the need for mutual benefit. The two don’t have to conflict — but they will if the situation — whatever situation this describes — is allowed to progress in an unconscious way.
Much of the astrology is asking us, through squares and oppositions, to become conscious of when we tend to locate our personal ‘stuff’ in someone else or in a relationship, versus when we are clear that it is all ours – and that we can follow that ‘stuff’ to its roots in our lives. Even Juno, which is making a conjunction to the North Node in early Sagittarius, wants us to look at cause and effect in our relationships. Where do our jealousy and tendencies to control really come from? Are you able to see the ways in which they may be keeping you from connecting with your purpose in this life?
Try asking yourself this weekend how much your focus on ‘fairness’ and your ‘place’ in relationships may be a distraction from finding your place in your own life. Depending on the answers you hear, you could find a way to open up to true intimacy – which is an equation involving vulnerability, giving and allowing yourself to receive. Venus entering its home sign Taurus on Monday will be ready to help with that – but we have some work to do before we get there.
This was an incredible post-so true a reflection of my weekend-my daughter flew in and joined me in a truly “nesting” weekend-girlie DVD’s, popcorn and take-outs, talks til 3 am, slept in til noon, shopping etc-haven’t seen her since June last year!We sorted out the world and ourselves 😉 The photo wonderful-amazing art! Thank you soooo much 🙂
d’oh! here’s that link:
thanks jann/zerosity. it was late…
Amanda: is the link missing? Thanks. JannKinz
btw — here is that page with a full view of the stained glass window above, plus a couple other detail shots for anyone curious to see the rest of this little world Laura Fuller created.
So directly on point with my own life of late. Good to know that the issues I have named out loud as having a flavor of projection continue to need to be explored. Especially since the relationship they are showing up in is one that has the potential to change with the healing aspect it was created for.
I smiled wide when I saw the line about this being a nesting weekend as I just moved and am feeling unsettled and had planned too much activity for myself … but the onset of an unexpected cold has given me the very reason to nest and get into my own life and look at a conflict that ramped up this past week in a way that felt too stormy to ignore. Quiet time this weekend is just what the celestialdoctors ordered!
Was listening to this wonderful Fistful of Love by Anthony and the Johnsons while reading here – suited the mood so much:
Lou Reed did a cover of it: Happy Birthday Lou!
“take ownership of instinctual behavior patterns that are ready to be released in the name of evolution, consciousness, health and love” – lovely stuff! Thanks Be. And thanks for another amazing post Amanda, Eric and all.
The good news is that the Moon will be trine the Sun and sextile Mars rx at the time of the Sun-Mars opposition. She will be in Cancer of course and very receptive to and unconscously aware of the tension between the inner drilling of Mars retro and the conscious desire to release the parts of the ego ready to be shed, symbolized by Sun in Pisces. She might take the form of MOM or someone who feels like family or, if not expressed outwardly, your own feelings. Venus and Saturn too have an opportunity to reflect, balance and take ownership of instinctual behavior patterns that are ready to be released in the name of evolution, consciousness, health and love. Have a good weekend everyone.
Wonderful post ! as always… <3
This is just amazing stuff, Amanda/Eric and PW team, thank you SO much for all the navigational help. I love you all…
Have a wonderful and restful weekend.
Yes, thanks Amanda. It’s like a fairy tale coming to life.
yes, laura does amazingly gorgeous work. this is her website: http://www.fullerglass.com/
though, unfortunately, it does not feature some of her more recent work, in which she has been including ever-more curious glass items, semi-precious stones, and all sorts of things. some of my favorite pieces lend themselves to all sorts of meaning-making, which is always fun for me.
she’s just on the next corner over from my apartment, and walking by her studio is one of the happiest joys of living in this neighborhood for me. maybe later i’ll link to a photo of the full work this detail is from — it’s stunning. i could live in it.
today is dr. seuss’ birthday, this seemed appropriate 😉
Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than you.
Superb photo. The way you fearlessly take on challenging subject matter reveals your heroic personality. Yes, you are a hero, that is certain. Compliments to Laura Fuller (the glass artist) as well, Matisse would fall in love with her.
Thank you so very much for an excellent preparation to encounter what promises to be a big weekend. The integration of Vesta and the Great Attractor are especially appreciated.
Ooo! Great photos *and* charts!!! We are blessed. Haven’t read the post yet, but glad to see both. The photos are a necessary creative start to my day. Thank you ever so much, PW! JannKinz