This Is Evolution

We don’t have a full Daily Astrology for you — it’s been a busy day at Planet Waves. [Actually, we do have a Daily Astrology for you, in the form of Genevieve’s Full Moon post above. Sorry for the misunderstanding on our part! — Amanda] I would encourage any readers who have not read Monday’s post on the Full Moon and many associated aspects to give it a look. The Full Moon is brewing, and it’s doing its work.

This is evolution!

Today is a big day before the Supreme Court — some heavy hitters are arguing before the court for getting rid of all these dumb bans on same-sex couples getting married. Planet Waves will cover full coverage of that decision once it comes out.

It’s going to be fun no matter what. As you may know, some top conservative lawyers are arguing FOR same-sex marriage. The country is changing and this is a brilliant and revolutionary moment.

For a bit of house news, we’ve begun our spring membership drive. We’re also introducing a new concept to describe Planet Waves — THIS IS EVOLUTION. That is, Planet Waves is part of evolution and so are you. Thank you Maggie for coming up with this one while we were driving around somewhere the other day.

Here is my intro letter, which will be mailed out in the morning. Tonight, Len Wallick will lead off our series of letters by Planet Waves contributors.

We’ll post that here as well as mail it out. Members will receive the Moonshine horoscope Tuesday morning, and I’ll have an edition of Planet Waves FM for you Tuesday morning. Don’t miss the new website for my webcasts! We just got the first revision up today. Thanks to Kelly Janes for pulling that together.

Thanks for tuning in.

1 thought on “This Is Evolution”

  1. The Intro Letter is a great and concise summary of the benefits of membership with PW, and that membership is the best gift you can give yourself. Often, PW is my best source of “news” of the world. Thank you, Eric, for acquainting the PW community with a great group of astrologers and writers and bloggers, for being more than the awesome horoscopes.

    So much astrology. . .so little time. It’s akin to my book addiction and reading. It was stumbling on a link to a posting by Len Wallick that led me to Planet Waves.I only wish that I had found Planet Waves and Eric’s writings years before I did, but the best way for me to make up for lost time is an All Access Pass. It’s the best deal if you can afford it. Now, if I can just to find the time to explore all the resources available at PW. . .

    Thank you for making the global personal, and vice versa, and for being the best cosmic connection.


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