Today is May 24. As the Moon ingresses Pisces at 8:23 am EDT, it makes a conjunction to Neptune, then later in the day to Chiron. This day has a clairvoyant, creative, emotionally sensitive vibe to it, where anyone and anything may seem transparent. Chiron and Neptune, both new arrivals to Pisces, will influence our lives through the end of the decade; the Moon comes sweeping through once a month, and today is the day.

This is one of those moments when whatever comes to the surface is what comes to the surface; the difference being the water is exceptionally clear and deep. For contact with these deeper realms, use all your senses, and tune into their higher vibrations. Your thoughts and observations may be fleeting. For artists this may be a magnificently creative day, but you might want to be alone so that you can tune in undisturbed by anyone not quite on your frequency. The day also has a turning point quality, since the Pisces Moon squares the Gemini Sun — this is known as last quarter Moon. Think of this as an overlay of the mental sphere and the imagination. You might say they are ‘at odds’ to one another but really, it’s an intersection where they cross paths. You can use any discomfort for creative purposes. Feel the mental energy surge through your creative circuits. You know better than to hold all that physical, mental and emotional energy in and dormant on a couch.
You are ripe for exploration. See your life as something more and put roots and seedlings down to make that happen, whether it’s a painting, a new recipe, a poem, a notebook or an actual new bed for herbs, greens and flowers. It could even be a conversation you’ve been dying to have with someone you want to know. Whatever it is, imagine your life in this body on this planet as the garden of your spirit. Breathe in what you want in that garden — the smells, the tastes, the colors and the living beings. The Sun is there to warm you up and spark your mind to reach for life-giving light. Just be present, move and grow.
Note to Planet Waves Subscribers: The June monthly horoscope will be published later this morning; please check your inbox between 9 am and 10 am EDT Tuesday morning. Subscriptions to Planet Waves include all weekly Eric Francis horoscopes, and two extra monthly horoscopes. If you’re not already receiving our amazing mailings, you’re invited to try a free trial subscription here.
These two just piss me off, Be. Brothers, fighting, when it’s sure we can just integrate and be cool!!… I’m so tired of all the bullshit…
Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress today started at 11:23 AM in Washington DC and the Moon was less than a degree past Neptune. But I found some other neat things in the charts for Israel and Netanyahu and even Obama that confirm it was a Neptune kind of day.
In Israel’s chart (May 14, 1948 at 4:37 PM, Tel Aviv) natal Neptune is at 10 Libra 34 rx which is conjunct transiting Saturn. Netanyahu’s Neptune is also in Libra, along with his Mercury at 9 Libra 35, conjunct his Pallas. Obama’s natal Neptune at 8 Scorpio 36 was conjunct the nadir of the Speech Chart leading me to wonder if the two leaders didn’t create the “difference of opinion” regarding the border negotiations premise. Neptune is so creative!
As Obama is having his Chiron return these days (5 Pisces 19 rx) this surely heightened the Neptunian flavor of the day. As transiting Asclepius at 0 Pisces 12 is conjunct transiting Neptune, he would no doubt aid in focusing Neptune’s healing powers as they trine the Israel chart’s 0 Scorpio 51 ascendant.
Also of interest is Netanyahu’s Saturn (conjunct his own Juno) at 15 Virgo 23 which would be conjunct the transiting Juno at 15 Virgo 24 today. What better or more perfect partner could we ask for? Israel’s natal Uranus at 24 Gemini 21 is less than 1 degree away from transiting south node, signaling an unexpected willingness to give up something that was previously non-negotiable, while it’s own natal north node at 14 Taurus 01 will be conjoined by transiting Mercury even as I type this. Israel’s natal Pallas at 25 Aries 06 was recently conjoined by transiting Jupiter too.
Although these next two observations don’t have a direct bearing on Neptune today, he only recently left the last degree of Aquarius and a long stint conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon at 27+ Aquarius and Obama’s south node at 27+ Aquarius, which is where Hermes is today (27 Aquarius 28 at the time of the Speech). I guess timing IS everything, and since when did Neptune need a direct bearing on anything, huh?
The final tidbit I will share tonight is that Isreal’s natal Jupiter is at 27 Sagittarius 38 rx (sextile the U.S. Moon), and therefore is conjunct the present day Galactic Core at 27 Sagittarius 01. Something tells me that the transiting Pallas and Vesta in Aquarius, now beginning to separate from their conjunction, had a lot to do with the visit from Netanyahu to the U.S. and his warm reception from Congress today.
ps. . here is the link to the charts for Israel and Netanyahu
{{{{Amanda}}}} I hope you don’t mind cyber hugs. I also hope you find peace.
ok, i just popped on here to read this for research purposes & fell like it’s definitely one of those days i wish i had the luxury to actually follow more of this advice. just went out for a run to work out & release some pent-up pissiness — which seemed to work. but now somehow this lovely post seems to be threatening to bring back some pissiness. ok… here we go trying to hold that “higher vibration.” i guess this does say, “This is one of those moments when whatever comes to the surface is what comes to the surface.”
another breath.
Update on : “It could even be a conversation you’ve been dying to have with someone you want to know. ”
Oh, oh, this is going to happen! My close friend, Nariade, and I will be talking on the phone next week! I have known her for many years but only online. We are born only three days apart and have so much in common. This is wonderful! She and I have such a deep connection that no matter how long between communications, we seem to just KNOW each other. My heart-friend and I will actually speak at last!
::::doing happy dance:::::
“It could even be a conversation you’ve been dying to have with someone you want to know. ”
And there’s that as well. Thanks for these daily gifts. 🙂
Oh, Eric – your few words abut the Ulster County Sheriff brought tears to my eyes – it reminded me of my father (Sun/Moon/Uranus cojoined in early Pisces) He was a very kind, hardworking man. Without trying at all, he was lovable to many, many people. He didn’t talk much; people just felt comfortable and accepted the minute they met him. Toward the end of his life – he only lived to 56 – he said, “Your inheritance is a happy father – I’m going to Fiji.” And there he went – snorkling with fish and his underwater camera. Very sweet memories for me. Kat
“You are ripe for exploration.”
Oh god….there it is again. Thank you.
Correction: It is compassionateactionnetwork.com (not: compassionactionnetwork.com) Kat
During the Moon-Neptune conjunction, I met the Ulster Country Sheriff when I went to pick up my new press card. He’s been signing my press cards for years — I asked to say hello when I came in. Decent, hardworking guy with a huge county on his hands.
Fabulous morning. Pandora is playing the classic version of Ray Charles’ “What’d I Say” and I’m jiving around the kitchen getting ready for work. Now Pandora is doing the re-mix of “Here’s Comes the Sun” with sitar cover.
A lovely gift, indeed. I woke up early, as usual, and, no doubt inspired by this Pisces/Chiron/Moon, it occurred to me to share with all of you what I am learning about the Compassion Action Network (CAN) http://www.compassionactionnetwork.org, the Institute for Compassionate Cities (linked at CAN) and the Charter for Compassion http://www.charterforcompassion.org. And, when I logged onto Planet Waves, here was a perfect opportunity to do so.
You don’t have to be associated with one of the five major religions (as I am not) to affirm the Charter for Compassion. It is a vehicle, however, for those who are associated with, and concerned about, religions where fundamentalists have co-opted the agenda, to take back the day and the night, so to speak.
But, then, on this lovely spring day, perhaps the compassion needed is for myself, to let my bare feet touch the earth (your photo, Eric, inspires), to breathe quietly, to rest (even in the midst of a busy day at work) and to listen to the wind, the birds my puppy, Opie, telling me he wants to play. Ahhh, life is good. Kat
I agree, Huffy- on both counts.
This WILL be a wonderful day !
ps gorgeous photo!
Thank you, dear Eric, for this lovely gift. Beautiful way to start the day (on this side of the world!). I can feel that creative energy, have picked up my guitar and started singing again, after many years… xxx