Welcome to our new Daily Astrology feature

1,500 tp 2,000 year old redwood roots, pulled from the ground in northern California logging operations. The roots then floated in the Pacific Ocean for about 150 years. They were brought to upstate New York, where they remain today on alongside a rural mountain road. Photo by Eric Francis.

This is our new daily astrology feature. Our plan is to post Monday to Friday at just past midnight in Eastern Time. This way, if you’re rushing off to work in London (Londoners rush just a little more than New Yorkers) you have something to read that will take you about a minute. Len Wallick’s astrology will be posted today at noon EDT.

Earth & water - photo by Eric.

Today is May 23, and the Aquarius Moon is creeping slowly along, in what’s called old gibbous phase — the Full Moon was just last week, and lots of the Moon is still visible. The Sun is in very early Gemini, having arrived Saturday, so happy birthday all you twins out there. Air sign Sun and Moon say, talk about it. Gemini is a time for breezy, satisfying conversations. Back one sign in Taurus, the hot news for the week is the Venus-Mars conjunction, which is exact this morning at 4:35 am EDT. Mercury is less than one degree away, so this is a triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Mercury in Taurus. Can you say threesome? Mercury is getting in on the Venus-Mars action. According to ancient astrology, Venus is female, Mars is male and Mercury is bisexual (well, androgynous, but we know about that).

This aspect is actually about sex, though with Mercury in the picture, it has a touch of “the hottest sex organ is the mind.” Not everyone agrees; however, that happens to be true for people who have most of their erotic encounters through some kind of device — many people do. Taurus is saying get your pheromones into the act. All three planets plus Jupiter are visible in the predawn sky (at about 4 am, if skies are clear). The triple conjunction makes a trine to Pluto, opening the way to deeper passion and tapping into some evolutionary energy. The Moon makes a conjunction to an asteroid called Vesta at the same time the triple conjunction takes place. Vesta is about service and emotional healing, so make sure you invite that into the scene. Have yourself another fantastic day in the universe. Comments and questions are welcome. If you’re not a member of his blog, sign up free.

Note to Planet Waves Subscribers: The June monthly horoscope will be published Tuesday morning. Check your inbox. If you’re not already a subscriber, you’re invited to try a free trial subscription here.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to our new Daily Astrology feature”

  1. I liked your discussion about Mars & Venus & Mercury– quite a threesome! Reflecting on my myth studies (at Pacifica) I thought I would share some insights about Hermes, the mercurial trickster god and his part in relationships.

    Hermes’ business is not romantic nor sexual love but rather getting the energy moving: unsettling familiar forms and creating an opportunity for the disclosure of secrets is his alchemical specialty.

    Hermes appears, James Hillman writes, where “fields meet and paths intersect, [where] thoughts cross over into quick light.” I think that would count as the Crossroads– which song Len quoted at the beginnning of his article. Wow, perfect!

    He is present in the unbuttoning and untying, the loosening of garments… the loosening of boundaries. However, the chaos which results from the destruction of form and boundaries is not his concern but simply a result of his alchemical presence.

    Astrology and mythology, such a delightful mix!


  2. so….”then they were brought to upstate NY”…
    by what mechanism??


  3. Perfect summary. Perfect info. Perfectly defines what I am experiencing – and grateful to you, E for the clarity your writing brings to it all.


  4. Threesome eh? Sex is in the mind? This little daily snippet is SO apropos right now.

    Imagine the coincidence; my husband and I talked at length yesterday (during that car trip to Vegas to pick up my dad) about threesomes; how we each feel about these now (as opposed to how we felt when we first dated). In fact we discussed a LOT of things about sex and how we feel now about it. It was an amazing (and hot ) conversation. We could barely keep our hands off each other. Sex really is in the mind first. ::::laughing::: And today I wake up to find “this” mini article about the same subjects. Amazing, simply amazing.

  5. That was one dense Full Moon. Intriguing that we’ve had some revealing dialogue here about how men and women perceive and act on desire. And about when ‘no means no’.

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