Astrological sonar: Mercury opposite Sedna

Imagine you work on a research boat on the ocean, charting the bottom with sonar. The reading comes in as two-dimensional lines and shapes, representing deep trenches, peaks, shipwrecks and so on. It’s your job to translate the incomplete outlines of these suggested, submerged objects and features — some of which may be fragmentary — into something whole, meaningful and useful for yourself, your crew and any other mariner following in your research lineage.

Bronze sculpture of Sedna by Joan Relke

It’s this task of re-imaging, interpreting and translating into conscious, practical life that is at hand right now as Mercury continues its way through its second echo (echolocation?) phase in late Scorpio. As it resurfaces through our emotional waters this week, Mercury opposes minor planet Sedna in Taurus (exact tonight into Wednesday) — and both planets square centaur planet Nessus in Aquarius. All are at 23+ degrees of their signs.

Sedna was named after an Inuit creation goddess. Her story is rather a complex one, involving the refusal of an intimate relationship (albeit to what turns out to be a demon), the loss of family (specifically, being given away and then given up by her father), and finally the loss of her own fingers and toes, arms and legs — which then become the animals of the sea and a source of sustenance for the Inuit tribes.

Now that Mercury is traveling through these Scorpio seas for the third time in the course of its greater retrograde path (first in direct motion, then retrograde, now direct again), it’s time to consciously transmute the messages that were charted during the retrograde into something three-dimensional and workable. In particular, what did you hear about your sexual self-understanding? What about your relationship to death (literal, ego or some other metaphorical death)? How about your relationship to money / what you value and your self-esteem?

What previously cut-off parts of yourself have finally regenerated and are ready to help you sustain new forms of your life — in particular your sexual life? As mentioned, the Mercury-Sedna opposition is occurring in a square to Nessus. This process is linked to old cycles, both within your own life and probably familial/ancestral as well. Nessus is telling us that it’s time to ‘stop the buck’ on whatever has been repeating in this realm. The square aspect asks us to take action, which is perfectly in line with the idea of Mercury’s forward motion.

Mercury is not treading new ground yet, but at least it’s heading in the right direction. Even so, there’s a reminder to stay mindful of the difference between integrating/re-imaging/transforming/creating versus simply reliving old wounds / getting stuck in pain. The place to aim for and stay in is a sense of pleasure as you work with these messages. Whether that means the pleasure of discovery and understanding, sexual or sensual pleasure, or creative pleasure, pleasure is what lets you know you’re someplace new. It’s what opens up relationship space for true healing, actual intimacy and the potential to set a new pattern for yourself, your partner(s) and even your descendents.

Note that in the background (or perhaps the foreground, since we’re talking about the Sun) of this configuration is the Sun’s conjunction with centaur planet Chariklo in mid-Sagittarius, conjunct the Great Attractor. Philip Sedgwick suggests Chariklo is about “the need for definition between intimacy and personal space,” “seeking definition of human interaction and boundaries,” and “a desire to help without co-dependent tendencies.” The Great Attractor is a symbol of being pulled to merge with something we can never actually reach.

This suggests that as we integrate and transform our deep-sea emotional and sexual messages in the context of pleasure, there is a call to remain at our own center. You don’t have to give up your ‘stuff’ or try to take on someone else’s ‘stuff’ in order to enjoy true sharing. But perhaps as you chart the topography of your own ocean’s depths, a shared space will open up in which others can see theirs, too. If so, what’s it like as you each ride your waves together?

13 thoughts on “Astrological sonar: Mercury opposite Sedna”

  1. The comments on this post are as enriching as the post (that is often the case in the awakened community).

    You speak to the deep sea diver in us all, Amanda.

    Christy, you description of Sedna as ultimate abandonment is so poignant. I remember when I first heard her story in Women Who Run with the Wolves, I found it devastating and terrifying. I think it hits home somehow.

    I was talking with a Scorpio friend about what it is like to be Pisces, Scorp rising. It can be like a free diver, or like the Titanic.

    Or like Sedna. I do not understand this story.

  2. christy — absolutely. and i myself came out of sleep this morning realizing i had traveled through a universe of dreams in my last hour of sleep. none were of swimming or of being submerged, but i did have flying dream that felt absolutely wonderful (it’s been a long time since i’ve had one of those). it was juxtaposed by another dream (or second movement of the first) with a very different tone.

    i’ll leave it there, since i am still contemplating the message and weight of the second dream; i’m not quite ready to open it up to a public forum. but i very much appreciate the sharing of sea dreams and deep resonance in this thread!

  3. Amanda, thank you for translating these cosmic configurations into images and stories and metaphors that are so full of life and possibility. I love your image of charting the unknown bottom of the sea, drawing the fragmented lines into something whole; that’s what it feels like you are doing here.

    Where I then find myself pulled in the most is to Sedna’s story and to the powerful sea dreams that DivaCarla and Sina had – I appreciate you both sharing your dreams, as sometimes it seems that dreams spoken out have as much to say to the listeners (readers) as to the dreamers. And like Lizzie, I really really love the Sedna sculpture (how interesting to go the artist’s website and find that the form for the sculpture came in a dream to her, and she carved it a year before she ever hear of Sedna).

    I was first told Sedna’s story a few years ago. I find it so mysterious, stark, remote, terrifying, beautiful. Absolutely alone, ultimately and profoundly betrayed, in the absolute dark and absolute cold at the bottom of the sea (which is a good description of absolute Yin), she makes life out of her own self. Somehow she, fathomless oceanic feminine, seems related to all of those movements of big planets into the water signs this year, and to the rising of waters of every kind. It feels like it’s her time.

  4. Thank you so much for this, Amanda.
    With transiting Nessus conjunct-ish to natal Chariklo in Aquarius, transiting Sun and Chariklo in my 5th House squaring transiting Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in the 8th House (where my natal Moon, Saturn and Chiron live), your words were right on time. This is my year for a sexual/intimate metamorphosis. Yikes.

  5. Oh Amanda,

    Another spot on description of what is going on for everyone here.

    “This process is linked to old cycles, both within your own life and probably familial/ancestral as well. Nessus is telling us that it’s time to ‘stop the buck’ on whatever has been repeating in this realm. The square aspect asks us to take action, which is perfectly in line with the idea of Mercury’s forward motion.”

    Yesterday, I stopped the buck on our family pandering to my younger sister’s continual demand for help and attention while stabbing us with guilt, accusations and abuse. The rest of us all agreed.

    Like you, DivaCarla, I dreamt of the sea. Last night I dreamt I was at a family holiday with “family” who didn’t all seem my own. Viscious dogs were around but they liked me and kept wanting to be with me. Sometimes they bit me because they wanted to play but I always had protection on my arms and was able to keep them from coming into our room, where I found some peace. The next day we went swimming in what seemed to be a normal swimming pool, when these dolphins appeared and came straight to me, “kissing” me on my cheek. When I swam with them in the sea, they lifted me up above them.

    It was such a beautiful ending to the dream, and as I read the dream interpretations to get more to the depth of this dream, I feel it has so much to do with what you have discussed in this article today. Your article has certainly given me more than the dream interpretations have, so thank you so much, Amanda.

    Thank you Sedna for sending your sacrificial fingers and toes to me last night. I learnt a lot xx

  6. As a newbie to astrology, I was attracted to the optimism and clarity of your piece. In astrology, there are lessons to be listened to, lessons to be learned , but so often I read and get bogged down in minutia that I simply do not yet understand what the lesson truly is. And I admit that the fault lies within me. Because I am a novice. But this was warm, encouraging, and concise.

    “You don’t have to give up your ‘stuff’ or try to take on someone else’s ‘stuff’ in order to enjoy true sharing.”


    Thank you.

  7. Amanda: Thank you. As another to reiterate what Alexander wrote, your piece today really does rise to the occasion on every level. A wonderful working.

  8. yes, i noticed the Pandora conjunction after i had written and was pondering it as i went to bed last night. thank you for the extra insight, and the detail of this being the last of several squares between Nessus and Sedna.

    such a fascinating puzzle…

  9. “Sedna, the Sea Spirit, exercises suzerainity over all animals which provide food for humans. In her residence at the bottom of the sea, from where she sends out the animals for hunting, she takes on the form of a woman. Even shamans fear her.”
    – R. Willis (Ed) “World Mythology” p216-7 Simon & Schuster 1993

    Today marked the last of a series of five exact squares between Sedna in Taurus and Nessus in Aquarius since the spring of 2011.

    Another noteworthy aspect of today’s deep dive is that Mercury is conjunct Pandora, highlighting awareness of expectations (both ‘good’ and ‘bad’) and consideration of consequences.

  10. Beautiful. Amanda. I read this last night, and then dreamed of the deep. Feels right that Sedna articulates my shadow journey, and that my shadows occupy a deep arctic ocean. The parts of myself that I can let fall away can live on as fish and beluga whales, and seals, transmuted into life and food. Powerful story of sacrifice and creation. I don’t get it all, but I am willing to get it. Mercury direct through Scorpio toward Sag, and Saturn in Scorpio will help.


  11. Yes, as Alexander said… Thank you for this stunning piece, Amanda. So very helpful for dealing with where I’m at right now. And I love the Sedna sculpture.

  12. This is consummate writing, Amanda! The metaphors blend together extremely evocatively. Some red hot delineation here; the application of which is made crystal clear. Thank you for offering this clear picture of the territory. It is bang on the issues that are currently up for (long overdue) review and resolution.

    Speaking of pleasure, which is a great touchstone of the new emerging, there is great pleasure in noting the refinement of both your writing and your astrological erudition. It seems that the more taxing and stretching aspects of your role in this space have produced rich fruiting – that benefits us all and hopefully strengthens your own sense of personal evolution! Bravo..

    Alexander (formerly Half) 😎

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