Libra Full Moon and Supreme Court Hears Prop 8

Visit the Planet Waves FM archive at this link.
Visit the Planet Waves FM archive at this link.

Here’s tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM. I lead the program with our spring membership drive, which I explain here, and which Len Wallick explains in this letter going out to our Big List right now.

It’s simple — I can offer you Planet Waves thanks to our subscribers, and a lot of love and energy from my co-creators. The funding comes from you — not from advertisers, investors, bailouts or Uncle Louie. In this new, beautiful presentation, I describe my idea of what Planet Waves really is.

I can’t believe I missed the most obvious symbol of all — the Moon is in LIBRA, the sign of justice, for the Proposition 8 arguments that were heard by the Supreme Court today. I read that chart in the context of the arguments over whether states should have the right to ban same-sex couples from getting married.

But first I do the chart on its own, explaining what’s in the background — and what is coming to the foreground. If you would like to see that chart, here it is with Monday’s blog post. (Or full size here.)

NOTE, WEDNESDAY — A listener brought to my attention that Kevin Clash, creator of Elmo, has been the subject of further accusations, of which I was not aware. So my example of libel does not hold up unless these prove to be unfounded.

Here are few extra resources: one is the full audio and the transcript. There are several versions of this available; I’ve linked to one on KQED, Northern California Public Radio.

I was mistaken when I introduced the first justice at the beginning of the Supreme Court section — it is Associate Justice Kagan.

Here is Jim Carrey doing his song, Cold Dead Hands, which has gone viral from the site Funny or Die.

Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, you can download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010. More recent programs are collected in the category listing at the top of the blog frame.

With love,
Eric Francis

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3 thoughts on “Libra Full Moon and Supreme Court Hears Prop 8”

  1. Here is POLITICO’s take on yesterday’s oral arguments.

    GET SMART FAST — “On marriage, Kennedy in control,” by Lyle Denniston, on SCOTUSblog : “Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, in an unusually candid process of elimination of options in public, on Tuesday worked his way through the ways for dealing with California’s Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage and seemed strongly tempted to just take a pass. He appeared to be troubled about the Court entering ‘uncharted waters,’ on the core issue of who may marry, but at the same time, he also did not look comfortable with any of the other, more limited options. So he openly wondered why the Court had agreed even to hear this case. Focusing on Kennedy, although that is often the closest one can come to anticipating outcomes on a divided Court, was an even more reliable approach this time given that the other eight Justices were so clearly split: four friendly to same-sex marriage as a constitutional matter, three hostile to it – and, in the end, likely to attract a fourth to that view.

    “If the Justices , in the initial vote they will take on this case in private later this week, do not find themselves with a majority on any of the issues they canvassed, then they might well be looking for a way out. One way would be to find that the proponents of Proposition 8 did not have a legal right to be in court to defend it … The other way out was directly suggested by Kennedy, and pursued by him in more than a fleeting way: dismiss this case as one that should not have been accepted. A decision like that … could take weeks or months to reach. Should that be the outcome, it would be a huge let-down for political, legal, and cultural warriors on both sides of the gay marriage issue, but would have the effect of leaving the issue to be worked out in state legislative halls and at the ballot box, one state at a time, at least for the time being.

    “The case argued Tuesday – Hollingsworth v. Perry … – was only the first of two, but it is the one that had the most potential for getting to the question of who may marry. Wednesday’s argument, the case of United States v. Windsor, … involves same-sex couples who are already legally married, and the issue before the Court is whether the federal government can legally deny them all of the federal benefits that go with marriage. But a decision in that case might not resolve the basic issue of equal access to marriage.”

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