Your Song — Venus Enters Aries

I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
— Elton John and Bernie Taupin

Venus enters Aries at 11:15 pm EDT tonight to help you sing your song. The melody has been there all along, but the words have been left to you. If you need somebody else to hum a few bars so that you can remember the tune, a good horoscope can help.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The best horoscopes currently available are sent to Planets Waves subscribers every week. It’s easy to be among those who receive them. It starts with a click right here.

The words to your own song may very well begin coming to you after Venus enters the cardinal fire. It will probably start as a funny feeling inside, but not the kind of funny to laugh at, or ignore.

In order to find your voice, you must first be receptive of it. The receptive, in all of its manifestations, is one of the main ways Venus works in your life. Many people find it easier to give than to receive. Have no doubt, the act of giving is important and essential, but incomplete in and of itself.

After all, without anybody willing to receive, that which you have and need to give would have nowhere to go. Keeping the world receptive begins, as so many things do, with your relationship to yourself. It may sound overly simple, but that’s how it’s done.

Of all the things you can graciously receive from yourself, voice is among the most precious. Before anybody else can know just how precious, you have to know first. Unfortunately for most people, such knowledge comes rarely, but when it does come the manifestation is unmistakable.

You have seen it happen. Others have seen it happen to you. At one time or another you will have almost certainly had such a moment of expressed inspiration. You know what it felt like: when passion overcame inhibitions; when you stood as the embodiment of your truth, and spoke it, or played it, or danced it, or sang it — to the astonishment of all.

Unfortunately the slack jaws and inelegant silence that often follow such miraculous displays usually serve to reinforce inhibition more than expression. When that happens, the room within from which your unique contribution to the universe briefly burst is all too often closed all the tighter for having been opened.

Yet, there are those who have gained fame for being able to access that room of personal truth at will. Fame, because we are attracted to what those brave souls can do and receptive to what they say. You give accolades to the few because what they say is something like what you would say.

But what they say is incomplete without your part, and only you can bring it to a world that would be grateful to receive it. That’s how you come to be here. That is your purpose. With this particular emergence of Venus from Pisces into Aries, your time has come.

You don’t have to be famous first. That’s getting it backwards. If everybody brought their song into the world as the famous few now do, fame would no longer be necessary. It would no longer be necessary because we would finally be one, in tune with each other.

What is necessary is that you be the first to receive, and appreciate, the lyrics that only you can provide. You must do that before you can share them with a world astonished to find that the melody is actually the same for all. We hope you don’t mind, but now more than ever that’s what we need.

Offered In Service 

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

26 thoughts on “Your Song — Venus Enters Aries”

  1. Beautiful thought about Venus Len, thanks
    A much-admired Venus in Aries by the Sun, Uranus and Mars.
    I do me occupied too much control of a planet that watching this are much more aspects than abstract astrological considerations.
    Great adventures to live with Venus, to consume with moderation? , or with passion? love? of course not forgetting the other…
    Very good week to all 🙂

  2. (craniosacral) osteopath.

    There is an offshoot course from Dan Fauci’s ‘The mastery’ which I did too, and one thing there was that everybody wrote their name on a piece of paper and put it in a hat. Then everyone took out a paper and kept the name secret: this was the person for whom your role was ‘angel’: anonymous supportive actions if you saw something (and signed ‘angel’ if sending a card for example).

    Such a good idea – and applicable anywhere (perhaps no longer signed angel?!).

  3. Living in a culture other than your own (ideally speaking a different language literally) can give a whole breathing space too

  4. Lolly then there’s all the oblique stuff you can do too – a sort of leverage or loosening – growing veg (tending plants and soil and success! and eating what you grow) and following your intuitions (listening to what you dream at night) towards life and health (includes laughter). Depends on your chart where mercury manifests most easily/helpfully, and also ‘info’ from the locations on your astrocartographic lines.

    eg I realised that there were some books films music which sounded the note of my pain and grief and finding those notes (again can be oblique or transposed as well as the same) freed me from that pain etc by cancelling it (even for a moment). Then you can (remember being pain free and look at how to dismantle the pain…

    Another idea is consistently choosing the options which aid/defend life which are true (moment to moment). This cleans and heals over time

    Expressing your deepest voice whatever the note – doing art/piano/aikido (whatever).

    Seeking healing touch (osteopath, abhyanga massage, polarity massage, lymph drainage massage, connective tissue massage (one massage a week if you can). Kinesiology)

    Basic care and maintenace of yourself and those you love. Honouring commitments.

    Letting go, time alone (out), sitting/walking with your grief

    Rituals – the women who run with the wolves (clarissa pinkola estes) survivor’s cloak for example

    Thinking what you think and feeling what you feel no matter what. Not allowing yourself to be shut up even if you can’t speak for the moment for whatever reason. Kind ways to support the body and heart and mind – simple food, ginseng mother tincture etc (Susun weeds books)

    (stalwart) Friends

    persistence, building flexibility and showing kindness

    (you’ll have your own ideas!)

  5. Lolly K,

    I’m glad you are comfortable enough to share your story here. Those of us who take on the challenge of learning about ourselves through astrology discover it is a lifelong process. As you have found, the many minor planets, asteroids, centaurs and such can really fine tune what the major planets tell us. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t get all the answers right away. Seek out answers through the Internet’s vast array of sources like Google. There are many wonderful astrologers available to help you too.

    A Mars/Chiron/Ceres conjunction in the 5th house could lead to your ability to work with troubled children as well as providing a beneficial tonic for yourself. Perhaps the rural property you plan to develop can be utilized in a way that nurtures and educates and helps you and others to express your creative side. I wish you luck on your dream in whatever way it comes to be. Glad to know you will be back here and hope you will continue to share your comments with us.

  6. Thanks again for all the feedback. I have made note of the book and will see if it’s available at my local library.

    Yes, I have had benefit of therapy over the years. My parents took me to a family counselor when I was 13 and it did help. Eventually I was sent to a psychiatrist for testing, and weekly sessions which weren’t as beneficial. Between my sophomore year and graduation I went from being an exceptional student at the top of my class to taking 6 F’s (in one semester) in order to complete the 1 1/2 credits I needed to graduate at the 49% level. But I did graduate even though I knew that college was out of the question.

    Did I mention the Mormon background? (I know I didn’t, but it adds so much to the picture) When I decided that a divorce was necessary I went back into therapy and had several very good people working with me. They used hypnosis to resolve many of my issues and I asked to NOT remember the specifics. Things were fine and the year I was 15 was remembered rather like you might talk of the summer when you broke your leg and couldn’t go swimming. The knowledge that it happened was there, but the pain wasn’t remembered. Then recently, stories of gang rape began hitting the news. The walls holding those memories in stasis began to crumble. Yesterday an online graphic talked of the need for all women to carry guns, and suddenly a flood of memories (between 28 and 30) swept over me. It seems that they had been resolved in those hypnosis sessions too, and I had REALLY forgotten them.

    Relationships have always been a problem. I never remarried (except my job) and was having issues (sexual harassment and sexism top the list) with men in general, so my early 40’s were a time of needing professional help again. The second therapist that I visited did a wonderful job of helping me resolve mother issues (nearly 15 years after her death) and I’ve been fine tuning my own mental health now for about 18 years. The work issues were “dealt with” by putting my femininity in a box and stashing it in the closet. Since my retirement I’m dealing with the resentment I now recognize as coming from that lucrative but emotionally and physically draining period of my life. My “workplace spouse” was left behind with the paycheck (his choice) and I’ve been missing the camaraderie desperately lately. Enough to have joined a singles website where I seem to be very attractive to guys between 40 and 52.

    Yesterday’s astrological digging pointed out that Neptune is also in opposition to my moon, which I had never noticed before. In listing the asteroid placements, I had only mentioned those in close aspect to one of my natal planets and ignored the others. Later I realized that Pallas (5th house) is in opposition to my mother’s natal sun. No doubt it has a lot to do with the difficult relationship we shared and my closeness to my father. As you may have guessed, I’m still a tomboy. Not the tree climbing type so much, but mechanics and engineering have been my passion since childhood.

    Eight years ago I bought a parcel of rural property and have been making plans for my last home in that location. The dream is shared with others (including my sister who had the health problem) but has been slow in actually coming to fruition. Reading the astrology yesterday, I see that the roadblocks and obstacles have been arriving right on time. A memorial contribution made for my son will be used to add some permaculture diversity to the homestead we are slowly creating. At least, that is the plan.

    So, in response to the warm reception here, I may go look for a blogging website where I can record the opinionated musings of “the little old lady down the street”, who plans to keep on keeping on for another 40 years. If/when I do, I will let you know.

    In the meantime, I will be here everyday that I have an internet connection. The perspective available here, your comments and stories help keep me grounded. Thank you.

  7. Your brilliance shines, Len. Too many of us are familiar with inelegant silences, punishments and other lessons meant for containing passionate inspiration. Discerning and placing our own boundaries – rather than bowing to the terms of others – both with our output and our acceptance of input seems to be the order of the day.

    Thank you for your passionate lesson in giving and receiving; breathing in, breathing out – singing Our Song.

  8. Lolly,
    I feel like one of the people stunned into slack-jawed silence from Len’s essay, and fear speaking up to avoid sounding like an idiot or doing more damage. But your comment yesterday stayed with me all night; I couldn’t shake the power behind your words, it was as if I’d been struck by lightning. Your story and your bravery–throughout–are extraordinary. There are two resources I’d like to offer. One, (which my Mother in Law just sent me two days ago because the Universe said I needed it, and I do) is a book called “The Dance of the Dissident Daughter” by Sue Monk Kidd. She’s in her late 30s at the time and realizing women have no place, voice, or authentic self in the strict Christian world she lives in. It’s her profound search for the true self within—the Divine Feminine who redefines her Self and takes her power back from the male-created systems. Much of it may not seem relevant if you’re not struggling with the Christian patriarchy the way she is, but as Christianity is the justification for our culture’s male entitlement traumafication, it is a strong foundation for the argument. The book is a kind, thoughtful, probing example of “speaking up, even if your voice shakes.”
    The other resource, which I don’t want to sound like I’m shilling for, but have to mention because it’s helped me so much, is a group I’ve recently encountered who are doing brilliant things to release the deep emotional pain that tears us apart. I hope I’m not out of line here, Len, using your space for this, but look into Self Created Health, and see if that might be the kind of emotional support you’re looking for. This is the real deal. I’ve opened my soul with this work and found that under all the horror is only love. And for me, the love was worth the effort.
    We tell ourselves we’ll carry our deepest hurts to the grave because we fear the vulnerability of admitting to them. But in truth, the sharing both helps to minimize their power over us and strengthen those we bring into our embrace. Bless you, Lolly. There is a brilliance and a power in you that is unmistakable. I honor and hold space for your path, whatever it turns out to be.
    To use a phrase of Len’s, I offer this in service, and pray I haven’t violated any (yours, or PW’s) boundaries in the offering.

  9. Lolly, gosh, you’ve had so much suffering in your life. I’m so sorry. It sounds like as well as writing, you need to give voice to what you’ve been through, literally, which is something else that has also come up here. Was wondering whether you had had therapy. A friend of mine lived a similar terrible experience to yours, and it took her many many years before she was able to face it. After the floodgates finally broke open she found a wonderful therapist who helped her to heal. You’re clearly a very brave and compassionate woman. I wish you lots of luck and love for your healing journey.

  10. @Lolly
    As a fellow survivor, thank you so much for sharing this. I wish you inner peace and the freedom to be yourself, however that manifests. If writing sets you free, I hope you will write on, and know that your words are inspiring to me and to others.

    A beautiful article – thank you. You have reminded me of a meditation I perform not nearly enough… Close your eyes, and imagine the light and warmth of the Sun filling you. The result should feel as if you are receiving a hug. It is a birthright that belongs to all life, so there is no fear, only an increase of that universal love within your own heart, for yourself, and for everything. I think Venus in Aries is a very evocative image of that love, manifested in the courage to bring it forth without hesitation.

  11. Thank you all for the kind comments. My security issues don’t seem to be a problem here. Ah …. I’m fiddling again so I don’t have to write.

    So, Scorpio Sun, Leo rising; square within a degree. Taurus Moon waning a full day past the conjunction. For those that might find it significant; oldest child, a 10 month pregnancy (after a 7 month marriage) that end in a late night C-section I was never forgiven for causing.

    My asteroid research shows me that Nemisis and Hybris are conjunct my rising sign. Sun is conjunct with Juno, Cyllarus and Child while in opposition to Eris. Moon cnjt Nessus and Vesta, opposite Eros. Mercury and Venus are conjuct each other (4th house) as well as Sappho, Narcissus and Hermes and opposite Diana. Mars (5th) is flanked by Chiron and Ceres, each within 3 degrees. Saturn is cnjt Isis in the 3rd.

    Childhood wasn’t pleasant, with lots of family drama. “Inappropriate sexual behavior” touched my sisters at a young age. I don’t remember anything of the sort happening to me until my early teens, but spent a year at age 15 in gang rape hell. Then the social hell that came from being that sort of a victim. Intense therapy, child out of wedlock, marriage (a second child) and world travel made a difference. I returned to my home town in time for my Saturn return, maternal bereavement, and divorce. Working as a bartender was usually fun and allowed / encouraged / required me to enjoy being female. Plus there were tips at the end of the night that made a difference when it was time to buy groceries for those growing sons. The memories I had buried until today were of a year of date rape hell.

    Saturn return, remember. I got my life together. Started college, studying Industrial Technology, and took a lot of flack for being the only woman in the room. I eventually parlayed that knowledge into a union represented job in skilled trades where … you guessed it … I was the only woman in the field and one of only 10 women in a factory of 1000 men. But for 20 years, I spent 8 hours a day being punished for being female in a mans world, even though the women who hired in later (daughters, sisters and friends of employees) didn’t have that problem. Most of my relationships were tied to the job and did not include time outside the plant with my co-workers and their spouses.

    I was dealing with chronic pain issues and trying to refuse the doctor’s advice on strong pharmaceuticals when the company offered early retirement. Of course I grabbed the chance. Just in time for another Saturn return.

    The past five years have been interesting. My sister suffered a serious health issue that I helped nurse her through, though it meant putting my life and plans on hold. I’ve always been there for others, but lately it seems they haven’t been there for me. My cousin committed suicide in December, then my oldest child died quite unexpectedly in January. My reading today has reassured me that the things I’m going through are to be expected at this stage in the game, and the emotions I’m going through are normal. Any advice or suggestions of reading material to help make things easier?

  12. Lolly K: i hope you don’t mind that i put down in words how wonderful it is that you did not delete yours. Just look at how your song inspired the other readers commenting today. It is a thing of beauty reflected by their response to you. Congratulations! Imagine how your song will (if you will it) continue to inspire. Please allow transiting Saturn to make this a new pattern for you. Please return to Planet Waves with your song again (and often), or at least tell us where elsewhere we can tune in for more. The stories you have to tell will heal many more wounds than, untold, they would tear open. Welcome to Planet Waves!

    Mia: Thank you so very much for contributing a kind verse once again (and for your props to Lolly K). The experience of canine voices, shared and exchanged, that you described so well, brought us the essence of souls stirred to song, stirring ours in turn.

    Maeve: It is for me to thank you. It is an honor to know that my service resonates with your recent artistry.

    Strawberry: Thank you for affirming and validating Lolly K. It is in this sort of expressed recognition that we make real how a shared melody can give voice to each person’s lyric.

    wandering_yeti: Words cannot express how gratifying your words are today. It is with a deeply felt and sincere sense of humility that i thank you for the gift you have extended to us.

    be: Thank you so very much for supporting Lolly K as well. In addition, thank you double for a concise description of how asteroids can not only be interpreted, but utilized in harmony with finding, and giving, voice, as well as lending a hand. You are, once again, be-autiful.

    jinspace: Thank you for being so kind.

  13. Dear Lollie,

    If anybody could coax one to sing it would be dear Len. He tells us that in order to find our voice we must first be receptive to it. By learning what the asteroids in your chart tell you through their symbolism makes me think you are in that process; being receptive to your own voice. Many of those asteroids are feminine in nature and their myths go a long way in explaining to us our own nature by their placements in our charts. You will be able to relate to them in a personal way.

    It is Chiron though, that speaks to those wounds hidden away from our consciousness, and right now he is in an encouraging trine to Saturn in Scorpio who is presently near your natal Sun. A Scorpio Sun will utilize the safety of secrets better than any other sign I bet, but it it is Chiron that most likely is coaxing you to share today – finally – after many false starts. Once you are ready to tell youself that story locked away inside, you might be coaxed to tell it to us too. We are good listeners here at PlanetWaves as you probably have seen or you wouldn’t be here yourself.

    Len coaxes us to grow, as you would say, but he would call it evolving probably. These days we are told my other way-show’ers to take baby steps in that process. A baby has at least one hand, if not both, held by a patient adult, helping baby stay upright and moving forward. That’s what we do for each other here. We hold hands and keep each other moving forward.

    I’m so glad you have joined us and look forward to hearing your song Lottie. Love and light to you today.

  14. Wandering_Yeti,

    Thank you fot your post. Living with my six dogs, all rescues, a highlight was the concerts they gave in answer to the coyotes. I could pick out each of each of them with their unique melodious voices and they sang in harmony with each other. Just beautiful!


  15. I mean voice is primary for all animals, not the human voice. I guess I still harbor some species-ist views. Left over plastic from my suburban youth…

  16. Awww yeah! The only version of my own lyrics coming thus far happen in improv and disappear with the end of the music, but I suspect that’s mostly because I’m still strengthening my skills so my own songs can come through me again. Multiple times I’ve crashed my music with electronics. I get so wigged out on the possibilities with electronic effects that it eventually turns into electric aural mush. But the plastic version of me learning music in the suburbs from electronic recordings more than living people had to be decomposed to recreate a solid musical practice that can jive with living musicians and in the living moment bring the Groove into being.

    Yeah, I still sing with my iPod and use recordings to learn the chords to songs by ear, but that’s in the context of regular sessions with live musicians. HU!!! You’re right on with the power of Voice Len. I started singing Bowie songs in Karaoke, and then sang Tomorrow Never Knows at a community jam where I’ve been attending so long I’m basically one of the teachers in what I call Johnny D’s School For Wayward Musicians. The jam is often audio chaos, but bringing my voice into a mix where I was previously only heard through the media of bass and drums guided the players into soft but firm psychedelic territory we’ve never reached together before.

    I can hardly feel more alive than when I’m singing, and singing with a group of live musicians all riding the same dragon; one is the eyes, another the ears, here the tail, there the horns and teeth, notes as individual scales, musicians as individual organs, we all tune in to become a temporary creature in tune with itself. I’ve thought of the drum as the foundation because I got too afraid to sing ’round the turn of the century. Now I realize the human voice as the first and primary musical instrument of all animals, including us. The quality of a person’s voice is naked. A well tuned drum or guitar provide some mediation that can shelter a person’s quirks and sticky spots- the voice brings it all to the surface.

    Happy Equinox!

  17. Lolly, your courage in this moment is eloquently expressed and deeply admired. Please allow it to feed the best parts of you, rather than the nameless and unnameable fears. Telling that story–especially to yourself–could be a magnificent step toward freeing yourself from it. Sharing it with others helps us all to climb out of its grip. You are far from alone in this. Your comment and your struggle resonate deep within me, validating something I have yet to name myself. Thank you for offering us your voice.

  18. Perfect, Len. Thank you.

    “Coincidentally”, I wrote something embodying this just an hour ago. I’ll remember to keep that door open.

  19. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world

    I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
    Well a few of the verses well they’ve got me quite cross
    But the sun’s been quite kind while I wrote this song
    It’s for people like you that keep it turned on

  20. Of course I meant Saturn in my sign, not Saturn return. Two very different things with somewhat similar effects it seems.

  21. Your words continue to inspire … growth, I suppose.

    My desire to write has always warred with the thought (learned as a child) that whatever you put down in writing can be used against you. Today, instead of writing, I’m inspired to really pay attention to asteroid placement in my chart to see how those influences have come into play.

    I am experiencing my 3rd Saturn return and trying to make sense of the things I cannot change. (Though I suppose the one where I was a toddler doesn’t count for much) The unrelenting stories of mans inhumanity to woman tear open old wounds that had been shoved out of mind. Surely there is a story there somewhere that should be told, even if only to myself. If only I could open up enough to put the words in black and white.

    As a start, I WILL post this comment, not delete it as I have a hundred others.

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