New Issue Going to Site Members

New issue of Planet Waves has the most awesome horoscopes ever. Said Len Wallick, “The horoscopes are once again superb. Once again the insight to Virgo is really extraordinary.The horoscopes for the Cancer-Capricorn axis are beyond extraordinary.”

“The horoscopes are once again superb. Once again the insight to Virgo is really extraordinary.The horoscopes for the Cancer-Capricorn axis are beyond extraordinary.” — Len Wallick

In this week’s Sun and rising sign horoscopes, I look at the sign changes of Venus and Mars, and tomorrow’s Mercury-Nessus conjunction. I interpret these events for all 12 signs, and also include a writeup that takes the astrology into account in a wider scale, in the lead article. This is about to be mailed to our website members now.

There are two ways to get instant access to today’s horoscopes and full issue. The first is to purchase it individually here. The second is to sign up for any of our subscription memberships, including a one-month free trial subscription here.

10 thoughts on “New Issue Going to Site Members”

  1. Ps Here’s the link to the website of two amazing friends of mine, ex-opera singers who became singing teachers, a lot of what you’re doing on yourself reminds me of their work (though they come from a classical music approach). Like you, they started working on themselves first. Sounds like you could be a great teacher too!

  2. What amazing work you’re doing, wandering_yeti! Singing and the voice have always been one of my greatest passions, and your words really resonate with me.

  3. Notes from the Nessus files: natal Nessus in Gemini trine the present position of Nessus just crossed by Mars and Mercury. My whole family has trapped, pinched voices. As I perform a sort of Bakti Yoga on Bowie’s electronic representations, using them as a guide changes how I use my voice and at the same time changes the shape of my mind. He uses his baritone range unlike Geddy Lee, Bruce Dickinson, all the Beatles but Ringo, and Jon Anderson of Yes- the singers I tried to emulate the first time I learned to sing sans training in how to expand upper range without strain. I never got into his music until very recently so it doesn’t remind me so much of the sonic environment of my youth.

    As daily practice changes the range and strength of my voice the quality of the thoughts I can think or tend to think changes. The upper body massage helps my head and heart release the muscular memories of living in a sonically violent past. As the muscles in my neck and ribs change shape the shape and quality of my heart’s magnetic field changes. I’m discovering a softness in how I can speak at the same time as I discover my roar.

    I’m also humming a lot, listening to birds, singing with live people. I’m using the reed instrument in my throat to vibrate my way out of a very old emotional pattern seen in astrology as Nessus in the 9th house near the south node: ancestral emotional codes transmitted by verbal abuse and sadistic media undone by singing lessons from pop stars, musical friends and elders, and non humans in my present audio environment.

  4. “Early on, there were others who were a lot more interested in you satisfying what made them feel good than in satisfying what made you feel good”. Thank you, dear Amanda, for the Abraham quote – has opened up a world for me. Children are victims of sexual abuse when there is a lack of healthy parental love. My abuse started with emotional abuse (unconscious) from my mother who took from me in order to relieve her deep emotional pain – the next step was the sexual abuse.
    Thank you Eric, all of you, for another out of this world PW edition.

  5. Anyone who percolated through western civ got sexual abuse from religion, and from their parents’ suppression, hiding, cloaking, shaming and other forms of hypocrisy.

    Speaking for a moment to those who were actually touched inappropriately as kids: much of the conflict comes from what felt good but was wrong. The sense of wrongness then is attached to anything else that feels good.

    Particularly if the experiences were one’s first experiences, the association is strong and almost inseparable, without some real sorting out, understanding, growth and experience. And the “feels right but is wrong” message is sent through nearly all forms of sex. We are all sorting out the same thing; it’s the reason for all the approach avoid and dealing with the contradictions through perpetuating hypocrisy. In a real way, it’s easier to perpetuate than it is to work it through, or so it seems.

  6. it seems even the Daily Quote from Abraham is on the Mercury-Nessus wavelength today!

    “The hypocrisy around the subject of sexuality is huge. Early on, there were others who were a lot more interested in you satisfying what made them feel good than in satisfying what made you feel good. There were so many things that you felt inclined to go this way, that you were forced to go that way, that at an early age, you made a conscious decision that if it felt good, it was wrong. And if it felt wrong, it was probably right.”
    — Abraham

    ok, the syntax in that sentence is a little funky, but i get the idea — and that idea seems to be the prevalence of collective forces of authority confusing the hell out of us as kids/teens/young adults about our bodies and our sexuality, to the point that the ability to enjoy true pleasure gets undermined. and things like abuse — or even something as simple as pain during sex due to lack of adequate lubrication — can end up seeming like “how it must be for everyone” and “how it’s supposed to be.”

    talk about confusion. and so much of it happens in the background, psychologically, so it can be hard to recognize and parse out.

    i think it’s a reminder that even if we don’t have what we consider to be “actual abuse” in our history, we live in a culture where many attitudes toward sex and sexuality are at best misinformed, and at worst guilt-inducing or persecuting. or they include the message that “this must not be talked about” — a kind of psychological/psychic gag order with the same intention and result.

    it’s kind of a collective abuse that we’re being made aware of right now… and we’ve been saying this all week, i know! 🙂 but this came through and seemed worth adding to the discussion, since i think it can be really easy to get preoccupied with the idea of direct, physical sexual abuse — which is a very real issue for many — and if that does not resonate with us, it’s harder to find the way into ourselves where the themes of the astrology are playing out.

  7. Eric —

    Your expert and intuitive insight into the astrological realm has been most enlightening and helpful during these transition times. I really do appreciate your abilities and knowledge and have loved receiving the Planetary Newsletter for many years now. Thank you so much.

  8. carecare — sounds like today’s oracle is also right on this issue you’re experiencing. good luck to you!

  9. This:

    “In a sense, it’s a struggle for collective accountability — or for an individual to hold a group accountable. Short of that, this is when one person takes responsibility no matter what anyone may think. ”

    and this:

    “… someone makes someone else feel guilty for so much as wanting something,…”

    and this:

    “Along the way, though, one must encounter the resistance that groups, families, tribes and social networks can put in the way of an individual standing up for his or her right to exist…”

    are exactly what I am going through with a local group of “freethinkers” who got very upset at me for asking if there will be times when their meetings are safe to bring my son into because they use a lot of speech and actions that they call “socially inappropriate for minors” in even their “family friendly” meetings (the quoted phrases are their words, not mine). They have been very nasty to me about even asking: I have been told I am condescending, patronizing, disrespectful, and condemning and my writing has been labelled aggressive, judgmental and dictatorial as well as mean, bossy, dismissive, and attacking. Those are pretty negative labels lobbed at me, personally. I have not labelled any of them or called anyone names or personally attacked anyone. I just asked. They could just say “no” and I even said if they did I would respect their choice.

    I feel like I am having to stand up for my right to exist as a member of the group and my right to ask for “some” meetings I can take my son to; not every meeting. They are acting like I am some kind of prude just because I want to shield my 10 year old som from phrases like “suck my d***” and people taking off their clothes at a “family friendly” event. These folks use the cloak of “being our authentic self” to say they should be able to do anything around kids no matter what the parents of those kids think. I am only arguing for a fair balance of events so some are “raw” and some are not. Another parent is also asking and getting the same flack I am.

    I am to the point that I want to just walk away; they just don’t want to accommodate (not even sometimes) anyone that may have a different opinion or view from theirs. Yet their statement of intent says they want input from all their members so as to create a fair and balanced group that works for all.

    You nailed this exactly. Thanks for explaining it.

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