Today is Friday, July 1, 2011. Just after 4:53 am EDT there is a partial solar eclipse at 10 Cancer. It’s the third and final eclipse of the current cycle and the first eclipse of a brand-new Saros cycle, as Len and Eric have written about recently. The Sabian symbol for this degree is, “A large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process,” and is strikingly apropos.
Planet Waves has been discussing different aspects of letting our new/true selves emerge for the last month, and here we have an eclipse that embodies the paradox we’re all working through: we are already here, have been moving along our own process of awakening with the last two eclipses, yet the advent of a new Saros series of eclipses puts us at a special point of newness and revelation. We have been gems for our entire lifetimes, but we are just beginning to reveal ourselves to ourselves and to the world.
The chipping away with hammer and chisel takes skill and patience; you may feel untrained in the art and are looking for worthy teachers. Remember that as both the gem and the gem-cutter, you can afford to be gentle with yourself as you chip and grind and polish away the layers that are not valuable or useful, and which mask your true brilliance.
We’re in a process of becoming fully present and engaged in this current existence, but it requires a willingness to lose what has held us securely in place — and is actually in the way. The process asks us to have faith in the act of cutting, in our training and in our intuition. As the gem, we can’t know our ideal shape yet; as the gem-cutter, we have to simultaneously see the reality of our rough state while noticing the hints and signs of the inner structure; we’re asked to see ‘what is’ and envision potential in a unified gaze.
The main aspects to this eclipse are Saturn making a square from early Libra and Chiron and Neptune making a trine from early Pisces. That Saturn square is emotional discipline: the “arduous training for perfection” Rudhyar describes as we chip away to manifest an ideal. Saturn is also the inherent crystal structure of the gem, which is perhaps not obvious at first but is waiting to be revealed. And we reveal it through Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. Any creative act gives the cutting and chipping and polishing a positive outlet, providing this eclipse energy a welcome expression — even as we figure out what it is within us we need to express.
It may be cliché, but you really are a diamond in the rough. Remember to do a little of what you really love today, since what you love to do is what you are meant to do with this life. Go ahead, show yourself what you’re really made of — and be patient; this will take time.
Amanda Painter with Gary Caton
Fe… welcome back, Beauty.
Burning River – Thanks very much for your kind words. I will simply keep plugging along…
So very interesting. On Friday, the day DSK got his literal “Get Out of Jail Card” for free, I was travelling upcountry to a remote area in the mountains in Lake County, with access to town and wi-fi by country (read: BUMPY) road. I was, in effect on a news blackout for the last two days from the PW story I was avidly covering. Couldn’t acess info, couldn’t write about it. Couldn’t do jack shit.
But maybe the goddess who is holding us in her land right now (up in the mountains with geyser activity and unbelievably beautiful stone mountain pools of collected rainwater from a very wet winter and extended spring) has slowed the body and the mind down to even pace. Something Aquarians must do or the wires fray. And allowed more thought on a wider scale to look at all the world madness through a different lens.
The journey has refilled the tanks in ways I never knew I needed. I was treading in deep anxiety with my sister’s operation–which went successfully by the way, and was still running off that nervous energy until this weekend. That cord was tight and needed pulling loose. We have flint boulders and giant oaks — altars are everywhere. I am being told something that I have to listen to. I obey.
Brendan–I’ve gotta believe there is something better in store for you. With you, Bud.
“We were channeling a new tarot card”
Hi Eric,
Very nice. In January, I began to see a new Tarot deck emerge. I hold the 9 Of Tales.
Dear Green Star- Gazer,
The day before this last eclipse, I discovered an energetic “glass ceiling” that is interfering with people connecting into a larger piece of themselves. I strongly suspect that your dream represents an attempt to “pick up” an identity of yourself that is hovering very near by in the etheric. Many people call this a walk-in, not in the sense of leaving your body to let another soul come in, rather, a higher harmonic aspect of you, that wants to embody.
This energetic barrier, a trick of the matrix, was confirmed for me in a session I did yesterday. I suggest breaking a piece of glass, symbolically recognizing that you will allow no separation from self.
I love hearing everyone’s stories!
With the eclipse conjunct my natal Orcus, I have been investigating my day and night dreams with a fresh new perspective. Following cues and clues, I found myself engrossed in “Navigating the Collaspe of Time: A Peaceful Path Through the End of Illusion” by David Cowan, and filling in the spaces with great sex, eating great food, working on designs; in other words, taking each moment, listening and really feeling my way through this opportunity.
Cowan’s book has been sitting, untouched, in my Kindle for a few weeks now. Pulling it out in just the right moment has brought me clarity, understanding, and peace about the things “I know” yet rarely speak about to most folks. He pulls together familiar theories and without apprehension, he gives his thoughts on time, the Mayan calendar, and change. Home, to me. I am so appreciative!
Orcus, oh my, I am on a voyage! The conjunction gives me “permission” on some level to stop hiding what I see, know, experience, and share. I have been hiding for the past five years and now it is time to reemerge from my chrysalis.
Two little fun things I learned these past two days: Oral sex wearing earplugs. In receiving oral sex, the quietness, the focus on my breath, in and out, sounds coming from within. Earplugs do not take away all sound, it filters and deadens sound. The result is a womblike feeling. In giving oral sex, the internal sounds from the back of my throat, the breath, the “isolation”; adds a whole new perspective of sharing! I highly recommend it. Visions abound! [earplugs- the soft spongy kind]
Secondly, a cat nap I took. Dozing off on the bed cuddling my distressed dog in a thunderstorm. I found myself in a non-existent airplane and at 7,000 ft I decided to step out into the sky to see what it felt like. A little later, I went back to Cowan’s book to find a description of the ego’s reaction to expansion as the equivalent to the uncertain moment of stepping into a boat. The ego is scared as to what will happen resulting in hesitancy. We need to push forward, feel the unfamiliar footing, and this quiets the ego.
Many more lessons, too many to write about here. I wanted to share a couple of the experiences that highlighted the day. Words don’t touch the depth, but I believe that in sharing it helps reinforce my need to declare, I am here, ready to roll, and need no excuses.
Enjoying now and being with all of you.
*Be*, absolutely no worries. I would not place dream content in a public forum if I was not able to handle any comments. Besides, this place is too rich with love and teachings for me to vanish so easily! 🙂
Sometimes I like to look at collections of dreams when we are all tuned into the same event and see if there is a tapestry woven from all the threads. Like the Diamond mentioned in the article, we each can report our dreams and they are certain facets of a greater, mysterious whole.
I love sensing that there might be linkages here. In the dream thread I was given, I agree with everything you say. I was looking for an arrival but ultimately none came… exiting was the only real option. What haunted me most about the airport in my dream was the lack of actual movement. Airports are supposed to be busy places, but this one was stuck in a limbo and no one even knew it. It was dark and dim inside… only when we gave up and got moving on our own and towards the ocean was it bright again. Yes, for me, nature is key.
When I add that idea, to the amazing dream thread from Daniel; the Ultimate Freedom and release dream, and the dream thread from Fe, I see facets of the New World possibilities coming into view and I find this to be very exciting. Fe also was on a mission in a strange city to find something. Daniel also was with family and going “on a journey” so to speak. Phenomenal and unexpected break-thrus were present in both these threads , rich with new potentials and the sense of new horizons is unmistakable. I feel that all these dreams have strong connections to that Mars sextile/trine Saturn/square Neptune-Chiron we had in the chart of the eclipse. I feel Eric’s dream also has strong possible resonances with that Mars configuration… NEW information coming in of a healing nature, unconventional and welcomed, yet still a work-in-progress, like Fe’s dream… waiting to be understood and decoded…. yesssss. Even Be’s trickster raccoon event was a very Mars/uranus- Fool- Aries-point moment when looked at from a certain angle. There is a playfulness there… everything these dreams/events have in common is that things are not what they appear to be and all of the dreamers are in the process of discovering underlying realities to what is on the surface. While this is a rather common trajectory in the dream world, what the Eclipse chart hints at is tantalizing in the possibilities for opening up vast new worlds of perceptions and creativity. I am soooo on-board with that!
Dreamastrologer, thank you so much for telling us about Porrima. Given everything that is going on with these activations, knowing that piece inspires me to pay even more close attention to what comes thru from the dream time… and the star chart is a great boon. Somehow, I usually find Saturn easy to spot if I go looking for him in the night skies. I love the idea of being able to tune into Porrima with his Hermit lamp assistance…. thanks for this.
Flies in the buttermilk. shoo, shoo, shoo…. . . okay, I’m done.
I’m a little spooked when theorizing about someone else’s dream. . anybody remember Antigone from several years ago who had a dream we all worked on for several days? Then she took off for parts unknown, so she said, “where nobody could find her” and I kinda felt bad about that. Still, I can’t help wondering about Green-star-gazer’s airport of no return dream.
You describe a definite lack of communication or a tower of Babel where nobody but family understands one another. I get the feeling your unconscious is saying there’s little hope of getting the information you seek from the chaos, the unfamiliar chaos you find yourself in and that you are in the process of detaching from the material aspects of living and desire to return to the source of life for answers. Please don’t go into hiding if these remarks of mine don’t strike a chord. Only you can get what your dream is telling you, we can only offer suggestions.
I don’t think anyone has mentioned this but with the transneptunian point of Hades now at 0+ Cancer it exactly trines Neptune at 0+ Pisces. Hades in someway represents something we don’t like to think about or look at and usually fear for whatever reason. When dealt with it can be transforming for a society, like discovering a cure of some dreaded disease. Working in harmony with Neptune through the water element would suggest the “cure” could be restoring feeling for one another; interest in and caring about others, rather than ignoring them or their problem. If, in the airport, some people had not been lost in their own little world it might have been a different dream. Somebody could have pointed the way to the arrival section but that’s not the way we experence the world these days. Maybe Green’s dream is a search for meaning and caring in relationships and is saying we must return to the source of life for answers.
Nice, Madame Be… ‘coons, eh? on the dishes or birds in the wall?
Coons on the dishes or birds in the wall?
Coons on the dishes or birds in the wall?
Skip to my Lou, my darlin…
Sorrysorry, just had a squaredance moment there. Uh, what were you sayin…? Oh yeah, New Saros hypnogogia… Generally speaking, Miss Bee, I’ll bet you start understanding more than humansprache soon. Not that humans aren’t animals, but this very henscratch I am emitting right now keeps us corralled in the realm of bipedal hominids with neckties and manicures. Dream more, read less. Walk more, write less. Listen with your toes, your knees, the tip of your tongue.
They’re talking more and more these days. Even with dishes and birdseed and walkabout waddling across runways. (And what? I smell ozone!! cometh the day’s rain!! Gadzooks!)
Sounds like a lot is getting done for people on a psychic level, & I’m about to start my vacation here in burnt up New Mexico. Needles
s to say , we’ve been praying for rain. Yesterday, the monsoon clouds started rolling in & some of us we’re able to dance in the rain. I felt a total of three raindrops myself. I remember in my 30’s a waking dream of being in my psychic spirit work group working feverishly in an almost frantic calm to get something done. I felt everyone working on my behalf as though it was life or death, but not for me alone, but also all for each other. Whatever the goal was at that time, I can report that it was accomplished. I became what was needed to get here to this minute, here, in this day, waiting for our summer monsoon.
No dreams last night, only disappointment at not getting a teaching job yesterday. In fact, I don’t recall any dreams for quite a while now. I think it may be too hot to dream, since sleeping deeply is also difficult.
My eclipse dream to add to the cauldron:
My sister and I must get to an airport to pick someone up. It is a strange (to us) city and an unfamiliar airport. We can’t figure out how to get in to the airport. We drive our car to the area reserved for airplane loading and park in an open parking spot. We go up the stairs and inside. It is a maze of curving hallways, ramps, walkways and waiting areas. All darkly lit with thousands of people milling around aimlessly. It is impossible to find where to go to meet the arrivals. There are few signs. No one knows anything. Staff is clueless. Passengers are listening to their ipods, talking on cell phones or dozing. Waiting with no purpose or direction. Stuck. Aimless. Unaware of their situation.
My sister and I agree to separate but we still cannot find the arrival area. We re-connect and finally agree to give up. She is concerned we won’t find our way back out. I say, no worries, just get out anywhere and we’ll be able to find the car once we are in the open again. It works. Easy.
Next we are in our rental car, having found it more than adequate to hold everything we need and we are heading off to the ocean to re-connect with the earth. We felt bad about not being able to find and pick up or traveling companion… we felt especially bad about it knowing what they were going to have to deal with but we told ourselves that maybe it worked better if you arrived in a plane and worked the system from the other end of the process. It was an uneasy resolution.
Hey mystes,
Was this a gaunlet throw or just an invite? Will a mirage do in stead of a dream? Thirty seconds later it would have been a dream but juuuusst before reaching comatose stage last night I thought I heard yet another bird in my bedroom wall. . the sometimes deathtrap for occupants of the nest in the eaves just above, being the source of the problem. I immediately felt drained of all blood and the “oh no’s” supplied just enough wakefulness to send my mind racing on possible rescues (witness previous holes in the drywall), countered by the futility of it all. Less than 5 minutes had gone by when I heard a crash coming from my balcony. Well.
My audio-type mirage turned out to be just a raccoon raiding and breaking a dish of birdseed. . . a much more solvable problem than the one I feared I had to deal with. I’m thinking (a feeling person’s alternate device to communicate with the outer world) this is a wake-up call (heh heh) to not assume the worst at this time and that I/we won’t be faced with insurmountable problems; perhaps just annoying problems. Alternate thoughts and perspectives welcomed.
I set out last night to sleep for eclipse dreams but the cats would have it otherwise….
They were restless and so was I; I am sure the dreams that occurred were deep – and along the lines of the last ones I remember from several nights ago which themed visioned destiny differently – but in light of day no memory has surfaced.
On another facet, waking life is moving quickly and inner embrace of constant shifting is what’s keeping my boat steady – with ease.*
* as long as I remember that this is “easy”. It’s only difficult when my brain dredges up old patterns wherein we were told this journey must be tough.
OK then, on to more cutting and polishing.
Everyone: wonderful awesome dreaming and otherwise. Thank you. Beautiful. Onward.
Thanks for the upsight, Gary. Will keep an eye on it. Saturn return starts next year and I am polishing the lens. ( Wat? wallich? 8D )
And *daniel*! Black water tsunami dreams are a specialty item on the dream buffet – but I have noticed that they are usually precognitive/predictive, not explanatory. In that spirit, you might want to go *toward* that flow (emotional content that is overwhelming or too much) rather than away. The one ‘explanatory’ thing about blackwater dreams is that they indicate there is no place to hide.
Death in a dream usually signals that you’ve already made the shift, but I would still look for outlier actions or fulfilments to turn up between now and the Full.
After that, you’re in the spillway. Keep your inner tube (8* inflated.
amazing article, thank you.
Speaking of dreams, may I share mine? I dreamt that there was a huge tsunami like event that was flooding a global area. I wasn’t going to survive it. I noticed police or armed government forces rounding people up for mass executions. I was picked up. I said goodbye to my dad and thanked him for everything. This police guy came up and said he’ll kill me from behind my neck – the least painful way. When it happened, I didn’t feel a thing. Just a little tingle, and it was done. But I was transported out of my body and I started laughing and crying that I was free and that it didn’t hurt!
So, a good dream! I’ve been dealing with some authority in my life and the guilt thats left behind, and the fear of the future. Every month there’s been something to work at/through. Maybe this is signaling a release, and freedom from old structures of living. It also seems I am letting go as much as it is letting go of me.
Thanks again!
somehow, even though i have been lying on my back gazing up at them in the evening sky for weeks, it just occurred to me that new facets of these emerging structures/gems will be revealed slowly, as amanda says, and then take a dramatic turn as saturn re-births in the east near the bright fixed stars spica and arcturus this november
then, about this time next year, he will return and station there with those two
spica is about gifts, giftedness and brilliance and arcturus is the leader who shepherds his people thru rough times…i can hear parts of those themes in both fe’s and eric’s dreams
the dreams are coming because right now Saturn is with Porrima.
If you want to ask for dreams, at dusk, look to the South and then up high. Saturn, having stationed direct, is now moving off from below Gamma Virginus, otherwise known as Porrima. She’s the star just above and to the right of Saturn named for a Roman Goddess of Prophecy
wow… gee whiz. no dreams here that i can recall.
but then, in the last 24 hours or so, this eclipse has felt decidedly less friendly than the last two. feeling a bit crabby, defensive, and a bit like the crustacean i photographed this morning: every time things are about to come into focus, i dart under a rock.
maybe it has something to do with this eclipse being conjunct my mars, whereas the first two were all nice & node-y and moon-y in just the right way?
clubs, huh? yes, i’m feeling a bit clubbed myself. and chances are i’m the one wielding it, too.
ok, onward…
Fe, amazing dream! And that order of operations is *exactly* right: quest, waters, union, creative insight… and the extended decipherment of what is given in the burst of insight. Amazingly accurate! I dub thee Tara-emanate.
Eric, 13 clubs? is that wands? Communication from the 13th level of existence? BooYAH… Come on down!! Yes, most ‘new’ transmissions need a flesh-anchor in order to be activated — your’s’ll do. Some days you’ll be the rider, some days the ridden… Best of luck!
For my part I have been in a quandary about how to proceed in this parenting matter, and sought counsel from the New Saros to understand the next step. The situation is so karmically-fraught (with the X) and so dharmically-charged (with the son) that the potential for mis-steps were virtually endless. Fully intending to stay up and meditate through the investigation, the Lords had other ideas. Like a surgical patient, I was put under for the procedure, waking up from the ‘ethers’ several times to see my bedroom swirling with all sorts of interesting lights and nectars. It was so much that I would just swoon.
Finally came to consciousness this morning with the answer fully in place, as if a new organ had been cultivated between heart and liver.
Off I go to see the world through this ‘extra’ presence.
(Now I want to hear from Burning River, a word, Be, Brendan, Half, zoey, Patty, shebear, carrie, etc… )
All love,
Gem cutters use diamond saws; their job is to know where the facets (little faces) are are then reveal them with only minimal removal of material.
Last night was my last in the Hermitage for this visit. I woke up dreaming that I was working with my teacher Elisa, who has also stayed here. We were channeling a new tarot card — the 13 of Clubs. The card’s data file opened up and began to crystallize around the concept, which I would embody. The 13 would be the King of Clubs, revealed in its relationship to Atu XIII of the major arcana.
Powerful dreaming last night of joining a new group of artists in a new city. It was a community united for a purpose yet unsaid. Was sent on a mission to find something lost, stolen. The thief got away and while looking, for him and the stolen object, hooked up with a male “self” in a warm pool. Something awakened from the encounter and I was able to see actual poetry in paintings from the other artists around me, but still working on deciphering their meaning.
I had arrived somewhere that I have not explored, and I was asked to complete a job I Had felt not ready for, feeling somewhat responsible for not finishing the task, yet met the ‘active’ me, who loved me, ‘birthed’ me open to give me energy for the search. I am giving myself my own artistic riddle to solve. Breaking and deciphering a personal enigmatic code to further reveal my creative self.