Unseen Alchemy – The Lunar Occultation of Venus

By Len Wallick

Overnight this Wednesday, about 3:33 am EDT, the Gemini Moon will pass completely in front of Venus, blocking it from view. That is a special type of conjunction. It will not be readily visible except in western Africa, beginning just before dawn. Nevertheless, it comes at an auspicious time. Symbolically, it is a bridge that connects this month and next, consolidating and synthesizing recent events forward. If we consciously work with the energy we can do the same with our own experience.

A conjunction is two objects in the same degree in two dimensions on paper, be it an ephemeris or zodiac chart. Most of the time it does not mean that one of the objects will block the other from sight. When that does happen, we have the special case called an occultation. That is when the paths of two objects cross in our three-dimensional sky. It is, essentially, an eclipse.

Interestingly, this one comes on the last day of a month that included a partial eclipse of the Sun and total eclipse of the Moon. Thus the lunar occultation of Venus takes the same physical orientation and allows us to feel it in the context of planetary, rather than luminary, energy.

Eclipses are not the only thing that happened in June. It was a period crowded with astrological events. This month has seen a host of planets changing sign or direction, and Venus was among them. On top of all that, a new season started when the Sun changed both its sign and its direction, consolidating the planetary events into a solar transition.

This means the lunar occultation of Venus facilitates exchange both ways. Luminary events translate to personal understanding; planetary events are transmuted to collective enlightenment. The Sun’s proximity to this special-case conjunction will function to carry that mutual synthesis forward and integrate it into new beginnings.

Both Luna and Venus will be very close to Sol on the last day of June. That is why most of us will not be able to see them together. They will be indistinguishable in the brightness. The very next day, the Moon moves on in occultation of the Cancer Sun for yet another partial solar eclipse. In doing so, it begins not only a new month but at least two new lunar cycles. Venus, in turn, will be moving behind the Sun after July 11 to begin a new phase of its own. Both objects are a bridge to the future.

The first new lunar cycle is obvious and familiar. By definition, solar eclipses take place very near a New Moon. Hence it is the beginning of a new synodic cycle (or lunation) between the Moon and the Sun: from conjunction, to opposition (or full) and back again. As a result, July’s lunation will incorporate the seminal and concluding occultation of June. The second, concurrent new beginning is not apparent and not often seen in a human lifetime.

All eclipses are not the same. Some are partial, some are total. Their duration will vary as well. It is in the geometry of their path, however, that they can be most accurately identified, distinguished and sorted out into groups. The prevailing method of organizing related eclipses is called a Saros series. Typically one will last between a thousand and two thousand years. It is therefore very rare to see any Saros series begin or end. Stick around a few more days and you will. The partial solar eclipse of July 1 begins a brand new Saros. Like the new month, it will also contain the legacy brought forward through the lunar occultation of Venus and do one better, carrying the condensed new energy forward into a new millennium.

Somewhere between the luminary month and the Saros millennium we find Venus. Its time of being visible at dawn is now drawing to a close. Fittingly, this period (now ending) of Venus’ apparent movement through the sky is referred to as the Discovery Phase, a time devoted to collecting experience while learning to surrender attachment as a act of will. The lunar occultation is an appropriate way to conclude that process. It leaves Venus with an endowment that consolidates all of the events from this past month and before. Possessed of that, the planet that represents the power of attraction will pass behind the Sun.

Before this season draws to a close, Venus will re-appear in the western sky as something altogether different. Our opportunity is to transmute along with it. June has been tough on our minds and on our bodies. It has left us indelibly impressed with a new set of patterns — some attained, some imposed. Re-creating ourselves is the next challenge. It will begin on the inside, in places unseen. The process will be seeded by the summary experience of accelerated change and focused transition. The seeds will be watered by our very need. It will take time and awareness to do it on purpose. In purpose, we must. We will each appear on our respective new horizons soon enough. Now is the time to prepare.

Offered In Service

16 thoughts on “Unseen Alchemy – The Lunar Occultation of Venus”

  1. mystes,

    I once WAS a July baby and I could be that again, and as for a 4-day nap, although a bit scary sounding, is not ruled out just yet. It’s the stuff myths are made of and we seem to be in the middle, no wait, near the end of making one now. A new Saros cycle has got to have a mythic beginning, right?

    Will wait for the Kalli Sun as you advise before hitting the panic button. . . or the snooze button. Happy upcoming solar return to you too!

  2. Be! aren’t you a July baby? Kallinectes 8D? The month of June persists in being an expression of Gemini — esp during a Gemini Moon, until the New Moon in Kalli/Cancer. That’s how it *always* feels for me. I keep a very low profile in Gemini, and if I am forced out into vigorous activity, someone usually tastes a little hell in the process. I *need* my rest, reflective period before the Kalli Sun kicks in.

    Anyway, here’s how I would explain the 4 hour nap: Small potatoes. Now a four-*day* nap, that’s more like it…

    Take care,


  3. Veeery interesting Len; remember the old song that starts out “June is busting out all over. . .? You would think that that implies a lot of physical energy is provided in June, and maybe it has for some. Or maybe that’s the old way June used to be. I just woke from a 4 hour nap a little while ago. It has been an exhausting month of June for me. A lot of the fatigue is emotional too. All this occulting going on has my bio-rythms confused; night is day and day is night and the next thing you know the Sun will be rising in the west. Like Venus, I think I will drop out of sight for a while, but when I emerge I will be a new person. “Something altogether different” as you suggest.

    It seems to me that the Moon occulting Venus, or any planet I guess, has an odd connection to an Aries point event. If “luminary events translate to personal understanding” and “planetary events are transmuted to collective enlightment” and if the “political is personal”, then it must mean we are all one.

    Well that’s it for me, I’m going back to bed. Thanks for helping me understand these crazy times Len. Here’s to the next 1000 years or so.

  4. Thank you Eric, Len and Gary for being on the wavefront, telling me/us what I/we am/are looking at–very quantum, very real, mysterious and very much needing explication to help one stay in alignment with this phasing out/phasing in Energy Shift. Hug to All at PW and beyond.

  5. Half: Yes, you do understand correctly. The biggest scientific achievement of the 21st century so far is the experimental confirmation that “…quantum behavior persists on a macroscopic scale.”, rendering the last bastion of classical physics moot. This applies especially to the foundational phenomenon called “entanglement” (Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance”). Astrology is right there, developing in parallel, helping the human mind to evolve past the decoherence that makes quantum phenomena elude …visualization and common sense” . Eric and Gary are on the wavefront with their brilliant work. You should be revved up. We are evolving. It is exciting.

    aword: thank you for your kind words.

  6. …or maybe I’ll just go back to writing scripts……lol. I’m still not sure I’m seeing things right. But other less tangible ‘stuff’ seems to be coming through just fine.

    Thanks again Len and Half and All. Interesting times.

  7. silly me. best i look at charts before opening my mouth. 10th and 11th respectively actually. A different story be told then.

  8. the Venus/moon and Mars/moon occultations are personally interesting as well as the former is happening in my 12th house and the latter in my 1st.

    Thank you Half for pointing to that – and as always, Len of the Light; thank you thank you.

  9. Yes, Len. “Symbolic quantum event” is an interesting take. So if traditionally, yin/yang are separate poles used to describe facets of ‘reality’ on your view something of a fusion of the polarities into a better integrated whole is in view? You maybe consider that the new Saros cycle delineated above inaugurates this ‘new reality’.

    If so, how do you see this manifesting on a personal level? Or will the effects be too subtle to pick up individual traces just yet – instead the nature of the masculine/feminine dyad will commence upon a generational shift?

    I have no idea why these two ‘brackets’ have got me so revved up, Len. Still, it’s probably because I’m something of a natal ‘moon opposite Uranus’ deviant!!

    If I misunderstood your drift, please do elucidate further, if you get opportunity.

    Great to see your feature now has its own tag line! Go Monsieur Wallick 🙂

  10. Gary: Thank you for your kind and generous affirmation and for the valuable background information.

    Patty, Thank you for nourishing us with Sabian supplements.

    susyc: Thank you for capturing the mood.

    Half: Thank you for our kind words and question. Yes, that is indeed something about the location of the Mars Occultation on the same day next month. As the late Robert Blaschke pointed out, we are in the middle of a century-long period when the Venus-Mars synodic cycle is in aberration. In spite of that, these yin-yang planets are finding other ways to synchronize. As far as my own personal thoughts go, it seems to be a symbolic quantum event – does that make any sense for you?

  11. Thanks for mentioning this Len. Adam Gainsburg and Daniel Giamario helped turn me on to some of the deeper connotations of the visual cycle of Venus to which you allude here. Fantastic to see it.
    It is so fascinating that the planet Venus, like the Goddess Inanna, spends 60 days invisible from view. It appears the Mesopotamians wrote that myth to explain the astronomy! So essentially Inanna is now with her sister Eriskegal for the next couple months before being resurrected into the western evening sky. And so are we
    Thanks again for honoring the Goddess.
    Namaste, Gary

  12. The eclipse is conjunct fixed star Alhena, which “is thought of as a fortunate star bestowing artistic talents, especially in communications and mass media, it is also beneficial for negotiating peace treaties.” quote from dark star astrology.

  13. Gemini 25 – the winter frost is stealing through the woods giving the brush a look of witching cosmic lacery.
    Cancer 09 – A large and beautiful diamond, in the hand of the lapidary, is now to be cut to its full perfection

    I think peace treaty, finally. End of war for awhile I hope, end of violence in the schools and on the streets. Man’s Love has gone cold. Think about how weary the soldiers were fighting in the trenches during WW1, and nothing has changed in a hundred years.

    Cancer 09 is auspicious. After a hundred years of military entanglements and thousands if not millions of deaths, perhaps the end of war is in sight. I hope. Man becomes what he was always meant to be.

  14. Prepping for I don’t know what, waiting to start an expensive project, sinking into a deeper commitment to my muse, looking forward to a week of vacation that it took a bit of nerve to propose, hoping not to waste it on inessentials, but refreshment and renewal.

  15. P.S. Do you as yet have any thoughts on the moon returning to the exact degree on 27th July and this time procuring an occultation of Mars? Seems highly symbolic!

  16. Somewhere between the luminary month and the Saros millennium we find Venus. Its time of being visible at dawn is now drawing to a close. Fittingly, this period (now ending) of Venus’ apparent movement through the sky is referred to as the Discovery Phase, a time devoted to collecting experience while learning to surrender attachment as a act of will. The lunar occultation is an appropriate way to conclude that process. It leaves Venus with an endowment that consolidates all of the events from this past month and before. Possessed of that, the planet that represents the power of attraction will pass behind the Sun.

    Before this season draws to a close, Venus will re-appear in the western sky as something altogether different.

    This is an altogether lovely image.

    A bridge and a seeding moment. The beginning of a new Saros Cycle.

    Mr Wallick, very many thanks for addressing this occultation. I had hoped that you would and the interpretation you offer is both educational and inspiring. Thanks for what you bring to this space!


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