With so many prophesies and interpretations of prophesies going around, and the obvious evidence of our world changing rapidly, we are turning our minds and spirits toward thinking at the level of the planet and our interrelatedness and how we can affect what is taking place by what we do materially and spiritually.

This makes me happy. When we held our first Godwork Meeting in 1997, the idea of addressing the State of the World with a spiritual approach was unusual. Now it is everywhere.
I just found this letter I wrote back then to my spiritual wayshower requesting support for that Meeting:
A while ago, I got that it would be good for me and my friend Miriam to find out about our previous lifetimes together, so we tuned in. Interesting information emerged about a series of meetings that we had engaged in over the millennia. We had come together, quite joyfully, to view the spiritual state of the Earth, and make specific prayers and set up specific energies for the upliftment of the planet.
We got information on what some of these prayers and actions were, and that it was time for us to meet again. We do not know whether the information we’ve received is accurate, but it seems to be good, and comes in with joy and excitement and loving. We decided to act on the guidance and arrange a meeting.
So we will be meeting. All of the people are of an enormously high level of integrity and devotion to God and being of service, intelligent and highly attuned, loving and free-spirited (not bound or programmed to any major degree). The meeting is coming together with great ease and Grace.