Hearkening and Heartening — Jupiter and Other Changes

Jupiter leaves tropical Cancer and enters tropical Leo at 6:30 am EDT tomorrow. In doing so, Jupiter will mark the middle of a week to be aware of, and encouraged by auspicious changes. That’s how, whether challenges or triumphs distinguish your life now, you should consider hearkening any personal or political events in the context of this week’s heartening astrology.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The temporal context in which to appropriately hearken Jupiter’s ingress to Leo’s fixed fire is the year-plus since it entered Cancer’s cardinal waters on June 25, 2013.

During the now-concluding tour of its Cancer exaltation, Jupiter has simultaneously served two major roles in astrology’s continuous big picture.

One role was as the symbolic valve that opened an unprecedented water trine aspect. Combined with Neptune in its Pisces rulership and joined by Saturn’s long slog through Scorpio (both of which are still in progress), Jupiter’s expansive nature completed a grand water trine that continuously flowed around the zodiac for over 12 months, symbolically irrigating every heart’s evolution. 

The results of the grand water trine of 2013/14 are not yet conclusive. If Jupiter’s participation hearkened an expansion of your respect and appreciation for the roles emotion, intuition and empathy play in your life, hearken to that. Just imagine how every person may have had something similar elapse for them, and be heartened by the conception.

At the same time it was participating in a historic grand water trine, Jupiter’s traversal of Cancer also saw it play a crucial role in an equally historic grand cardinal cross.

Unlike signs sharing the same element (fire, earth, air or water), signs that have the same quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable) do not have a harmonious, flowing relationship.

That’s how aspects between cardinal signs tend to be initiations for you rather than cultivations of you. The grand cardinal cross in both its primary and secondary manifestations has been no exception, initiating you (and everybody else at the same time) into what, for better or worse, appears to be a new stage of evolution for humanity.

Jupiter in cardinal Cancer combining with Mars’ retrograde-prolonged tenure in cardinal Libra, and the longer-term continuum of Uranus in cardinal Aries repeatedly squaring Pluto’s slow progress through cardinal Capricorn, has been a primary manifestation of the grand cardinal cross.

Secondary manifestations of the grand cardinal cross (such as last weekend’s Capricorn Full Moon) have functioned to extend and elaborate upon the combined aspect of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.

Jupiter’s heartening role (in the context of its opposition to Pluto and square aspects to Mars and Uranus), has hearkened to its part in the grand water trine as that of a valve. In the case of this grand cardinal cross, however, Jupiter has been a different kind valve. 

Jupiter’s constituency in the grand cardinal cross has functioned as a pressure-release valve. The magnanimous component of Jupiter’s nature has combined with the soothing waters of Cancer to keep your initiation (and simultaneously that of everybody else) from getting out of hand when other events, such as Mercury retrogrades, have added to the intensity.

Appropriately (and setting the stage for Jupiter’s auspicious ingress to Leo), Mercury separates from the confining arc of its most recent retrograde tonight. In doing so, Mercury will hearken back to the last time it moved on past a point of an apparent reversal, thereby symbolically encouraging you to move on through any perceived and subsequent setbacks of your own.

And as you move on, so will the astrology of this week — a week when Jupiter’s entry to Leo will be the centerpiece, but not the final word to hearken or be heartened by. But those are tales better left for later in the week as well.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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19 thoughts on “Hearkening and Heartening — Jupiter and Other Changes”

  1. aword, at your suggestion I too looked back to 12 years ago when transiting Jupiter first entered the sign of Leo. On that day transiting Saturn was conjunct my natal Venus on the nadir (which conjuncts my deceased father’s Pluto and my deceased mother’s Saturn), while transiting Neptune was conjunct my natal Moon (only 3 degrees from my mom’s natal Uranus). Little did I realize then how much that Jupiter ingress was telling me (although it DID – as it did yesterday – conjunct my natal Pluto!). There are all kinds of “deaths” we experience throughout our lives, but the death of our mother (for most of us anyway) is tantamount to cutting the string to a kite. . . and you are the kite. Not so much a free-fall but a fly-free message for moving forward.

    At the time I was thinking how much I’d appreciate some help in picking out a gift for my brother (since I no longer trust or even enjoy shopping on my own) I was on the way to the local Backyard Birds store. Lo and behold, when I got there, right next door a new shop had just opened with all kinds of cool things, mostly furniture of the shabby chic style (which I love) that drew me in like the Great Attractor. There I found a piece I could afford, masculine looking (like a great big bowl carved from a tree – really!), which I snatched up with the intention of it being for my brother (who knows?) and went on to the birdseed store and bought $60 worth of seed and nuts. I got in the car cradling my big wooden bowl and left the big bag of seed sitting in the parking lot.

    Upon returning to the scene of the crime there was no bag of seed and nuts in the lot but when I went inside to the birdseed store the lady who had waited on me was holding up my heavy bag. Another kind stranger had brought it back there after finding it in the parking lot, at which point I was assured (again) that there are INDEED angels who watch over us, that God does listen to our wishes and that all conjunctions to natal Pluto need not be devastating.

  2. Yes, “Good as Gold” was what I was pointing too with that metaphor of the noble pot of gold! As an artist, I am looking forward to Eric’s insights.

    Ditto all the compliments on the Moonshine collaboration; it was great. And good to have back.

  3. Thank you, cj. Credit especially goes to Elizabeth for making the crucial difference in getting those horoscopes to you.

  4. Thanks Len: I never thought of Jupiter & Saturn as two sides of the same coin, but it makes eminent sense.

    When I worked in a scientific research org years ago, we were always looking for funding, and I mean daily, it was a tough life to justify/fund the existence; our wise Chairman used to say to my colleague and I, ‘You have to make the most of all the opportunities that drop into your lap. And if they don’t appear, move your lap’. S & J, you’ve got to work it.

  5. Kate: Thank you. The Eeyore (“on a good day”) example is thought provoking and feels right. Especially well taken, however is your invocation of Saturn – Jupiter’s complement. Much as one must often mention Venus and Mars together (regardless of their mutual aspect at any given time) Jupiter and Saturn are often well interpreted as two sides of the same coin.

  6. Indeed Len, I’m with you on Jupiter’s few downsides. Perhaps that is down to the natural levity from a natal Saturn Sq Jupiter, and that temperance of the optimism. Like Eeyore, but on a good day…

  7. aword: Thank you again for sharing how the current mundane astrology resonates so thoroughly with your unique nativity. Thank you also for being so supportive of others commenting in this space.

    be: We (most of us anyway) would never call you crazy. We (most of us anyway) think of you as inspiring and gifted. We (nearly all of us) are so very grateful for what you share here.
    We are especially grateful for how you have correlated the period encompassed by the succession of 7 Uranus-Pluto squares with the corresponding (in time) succession of Jupiter ingresses – a singular and useful observation for sure.
    The link to Mercury (through the signs it rules) also makes sense. And, yes, there has been a lot of data to integrate since the cardinal squares of outer planets started kicking in about 5 years ago, making astrology at once more challenging and more stimulating than ever.

    Must admit, however, i was not previously aware of Mercury’s “affinity for leprechauns. That’s a new one for me. It makes sense to the extent leprechauns are often portrayed as tricksters. Thank you, be!

    yoniyoganidra: Thank you. i’m not sure it will work out that way given how one of Jupiter’s few downsides is expecting (or promising) more than can realistically be delivered. So long as a “pot of gold” can be accepted as a metaphor, however, Eric’s newest subscriber offering (“Good As Gold”) might fill the bill.

  8. Thanks too, for your add-on Be. Your “out of the shadows” theory fits my personal astrology; key players in Gemini, Cancer and Leo are Juno, Ceres and Uranus. Pluto and Part of Fortune in Virgo. For me, there’s a lot of “out of the shadows” potential just withl that.

    Also, early this a.m. transiting Jupiter immediately opposed my natal Venus (0.57 AQ) which would start it all off appropriately.

    Anyway, it’s nice to see the lay of the land AND to take a look back 12 years to note the remarkable shift of energy in the sky. (Whew! Thankfully we can always count on change.)

  9. Hearken! Call me crazy Len, I’m sure you wouldn’t be the first, but I believe Jupiter is – in some way – tied to this series of Uranus-Pluto squares we are enduring. Beyond Jupiter’s participation in the cardinal cross, the 7 Uranus-Pluto squares (6/24/12 -3/17/15) have been (will be) encompassed within the stretch of 4 ingresses he makes between Gemini in June 2012 and Virgo in August 2015.

    Furthermore, each of the 4 ingresses Jupiter makes will be accompanied by a conjunction with transiting Mercury within a month (in the case of the previous ingress into Cancer) or less than a week (in the case of Jupiter’s ingress to Virgo in 2015). This stretch of Jupiter ingresses into new signs runs from Gemini through Virgo, both ruled by Mercury. My first impression is that comprehension of vast amounts of data is a driving factor behind (or in participation with) the outer planet squares. Gemini, Cancer and Leo are the signs producing the volumes of data to be comprehended (it would seem), and Virgo, the sign of the Jupiter ingress following the last Uranus-Pluto square, is for organizing and utilizing this data.

    I won’t take up space with all the dates but the ingress of Jupiter into Gemini accompanied the 1st two squares between Uranus and Pluto in 2012. The Jupiter ingress into Cancer accompanied the 2 Uranus-Pluto squares in 2013, and the upcoming ingress of Jupiter into Leo accompanies the 2 squares in 2014 and the last one in 2015 on St. Patrick’s Day. The Jupiter ingress in August 2015 (and the Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 29+ Leo coming 4 days before that) signal the end of the Uranus-Pluto series of squares.

    I hope this wee bit of data will hearten your day Len. Me thinks that Mercury’s affinity with leprechauns has produced this Coming Out Of The Shadow gift to use as you see fit.

  10. Happy Birthday, P. Sophia 🙂
    Thank you for your heartening words Len, to which I hearken.
    Whole house astro says Jupiter is crossing from n.12th to n.1st in the wee hours.
    Beginnings and endings; all One.

  11. P. Sophia: Happy birthday! Jupiter (along with the luminaries and other planets visible to the unaided eye) has been in human consciousness for as long as human consciousness has been self-aware. Hence, it’s basic manifestations in your life are easier to grasp than say, Neptune.
    Jupiter is about good things with a few caveats on the flip side. Excess is on the negative side of Jupiter. Over expectations, and over promising are other examples of Jupiter’s less than good side. As Eric put it in his Daily Astrology bite today, when the magnanimous go over the line into megalomania, puff, bluff, and entitlement, the’s the less than endearing side of Jupiter too. Most of the time, cultivating moderation and humility will keep Jupiter’s manifestations beneficial and manageable. Probably closest to your experience (paraphrasing Robert Hand) is Jupiter’s expansive quality expressed by you physically or mentally when expanding to take the world into you – eating food, giving somebody a hug, going to school, going on a trip and “taking in the sights”, etc.

    Chief Niwots Son: You are very welcome – thank you for your kind words.

  12. Jupiter changing signs and Mercury clearing this most recent and funky retrograde space is cause for celebration. Time for new positive vibes, thanks for the noting the synchronicity (happening together in time) Len!

  13. Len:
    Thank you for your article. Before reading this, I have to say I was finding it hard to understand Jupiter experientially. Jupiter has been crossing in my Sun’s 10th house over my NN 1+ degree and all my points are @ Cardinal 4 degrees. Looking back at this changeful time against all the odds there actually have been many new initiations. Although during this time, I could not figure out why, no matter what I did, cultivation seemed to escape me..

    I see this period has brought my definition of purpose and cultivate to a change. I now understand what was offered in aid was to the very necessity of initiation as required or never before utilized in such a period of so much change. I am also thankful for the (your) release valve offering!

    I can scarcely imagine what this period would have been like without Jupiter there engaging his protection. Dear Jup probably played a more critical role at the time, or even now, than we realize or give credit to. As you say, his presence was to elevate to better ‘live’ the awareness of each of these aspects including the valuable retrogrades. His position allowed the attention to and actual platform of growth as we get ready, and actually maybe humbly I hope everyone begins, to cultivate…his beneficence.

    Jupiter will ingress Leo on my birthday tomorrow. I am hopeful this synchronicity is a positive. I am very open to receive the meaning of cultivate. All the while, I remain in appreciation of the space and time’s valuable gifts.

    With love, p.s. : )

  14. Anna: Thank you for being so kind. It is impossible to overrate Elizabeth’s prescient talent for horoscopes, and i’m honored to have the opportunity to combine my small service with the great gifts she offers.

  15. Len, congratulations to you and Elizabeth with Moonshine horoscopes. I thoroughly enjoyed your first column. Very relatable as well as applicable with soul.

    As well, I enjoyed Hearkening and Heartening in that Jupiter in Cancer from that of heart of being, from within, and to shine from the heart of being in its ingress in Leo.

  16. Thank you, Fe. Elizabeth is the Great Collaborator in the mix – i’m grateful to be working with her.

  17. LEN!!

    Your work with Elizabeth on this month’s Moonshine horoscopes is first rate: Clear, concise, easy to absorb and deeply digest. Well done, brother!!

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