Opportunity and Edginess: Jupiter-Chiron and Sun-Saturn

Niagra Falls from the American side of the river. Photo by Mary Anderson.

Today is Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012.. The waning Moon is newly in Scorpio, lending its potentially brooding-yet-passionate flavor to these next couple days. And what days they are. The question is, what do you do with the mix of auspicious opportunity and edginess the sky is presenting you with?

Perhaps the most interesting piece of the picture is Jupiter in Taurus sextile Chiron in Pisces. This isn’t exact till Feb. 14 (Valentine’s Day), but is in force now. Due to the retrogrades of both planets this past year, this is the third of three sextiles these two planets make to each other from their current signs. However, this is the first of the series not to be closely related to an eclipse. The first, on July 2, was the day after the New Moon eclipse in Cancer (which itself was the third in a series of three eclipses). The second Jupiter-Chiron sextile was Dec. 6, and that fell between our most recent two eclipses (and during that fascinating Mercury retrograde), just four days before the Full Moon eclipse in Gemini.

So what does all that mean? I’m not sure, actually. But it’s entirely possible this particular sextile holds some potential integration of the messages, insights and energies you experienced with those two eclipse seasons in 2011. Eclipses are said to continue unfolding for 6 months to a year after they occur, and we’re well within that timeframe. So, what were the messages, insights and energies you experienced? And now that we’re into 2012, are you feeling any sort of resolution or step forward or door opening in those parts of your life that were speaking up then?

If you can make the connections (and even if you cannot – astrology can work on subtle levels), this particular Jupiter-Chiron sextile offers an extra boost to the healing you are working on. When the sextile is exact Feb. 14, Jupiter will be occupying the degree of Chiron’s discovery – so it’s kind of an honorary Jupiter-Chiron conjunction overlaid with the sextile. In other words, there is some seriously auspicious opportunity afoot. Just remember, opportunity must be seized – and sometimes ‘auspicious’ is a matter of perspective. You might have to take the long view of the doors open to you and the blessings to be counted (given that this event is part of a series); you’ll definitely have to be the one to take the step across the threshold, to do the counting, and (perhaps paradoxically) to allow.

Okay, so that’s the opportunity part. What about the edgy?

The Sun is preparing to ingress Aquarius Friday. From its current position, it is square Saturn – an aspect that will be exact Thursday, when both are in the last degrees of their respective signs (Capricorn and Libra) — the ‘anaretic’ degree. Having planets in the last degrees brings an extra edge of tension to that square – which comes with its own supply anyway. The last degree can bring a sense of urgency as well as vacillation (‘Should I stay or should I go? I need to go now! but…’). It’s sort of the ‘last call’ degree for Saturn in Libra — but it’s a false last call, because Saturn isn’t leaving quite yet. As Saturn is now slowing to station retrograde, we’re being given an extra chance to go deeper into the mechanics of how our relationships are balanced — starting with how balanced we feel as we relate to ourselves in that context.

In this case, if Saturn in Libra is about relationship structures, and Sun in Cap is about tradition and institutions, then this square rather looks like an astrological arm-wrestling match you experience in yourself in relationships — a struggle you may be both tired of and attached to. On one side of the table is the desire for new balance with a partner. On the other side, ‘This is how I’ve always been in relationships, so this is what I want’.

Saturn, in turn, is making a trine to Neptune, which provides the way out: a level of spiritual/philosophical understanding that you may actually be able to materialize. The building/dissolving relationship in this aspect gets a ‘slippery when wet’ sign — which is not necessarily ‘dangerous’, except maybe to your ego or entrenchment in whatever situation is at hand. We all need a little lube sometimes. Neptune in the mix equals the distraction who walks into the room – the cute person both arm wrestlers like. Suddenly the realization hits: giving up the struggle doesn’t mean ‘losing’ – it means you can turn your attention to something more rewarding that might actually have creative potential. Balance is found through the third option – and can be tangibly realized.

Lastly, a Venus-Pluto sextile (exact Friday) is working in the background. It adds a current of emotional self-sufficiency, strength, potentially deep love and an eye for the beauty in others. Feel for that if you find yourself pressed by the Sun-Saturn square, and it will give some grounding for whatever Neptunian, spiritual ideal you’re trying to imagine into existence. And as you accept the healing opportunities offered by Jupiter-Chiron, maybe Venus-Pluto will assist you in seeing the beauty, love and strength you’re already blessed with.

Looking for insights on how this week’s astrology affects your personal Sun and rising signs? Try out Planet Waves Light, our streamlined horoscope service. For deeper cultural context and astrological investigation, the premium Planet Waves subscription includes the same horoscopes, plus extensively-researched articles on Fridays.

22 thoughts on “Opportunity and Edginess: Jupiter-Chiron and Sun-Saturn”

  1. lol! love you all! ohmy.

    That Sunday-thing was happening here too—seems to be spread out several days longer than just one for “couldn’t decide” a-whit.

    And now a choice of ‘something old’ or ‘something new’ comes knocking for Friday night – and well positioned near the New Moon as it were extends that moment further and further away from where the Virgo Shadow would have this Pisces swim.

    Out with the new and in with the old or inward with the old and outward with the new…I haven’t a clue. Very upside-down and inside-out the Rabbit Hole, to be sure. I’m not feelin’ the edgy, just bouncing against the borders of something wild’n’wooly – or is that what “edgy” is meant to be?

    Transiting Mars is conj natal Memoria opposing natal Lilith/Chaos. Transiting Saturn is right on ye olde’ IC/Jupiter/NN/Neptune and opposing natal Vesta/Sedna give a few degrees Palla/Hades. Of couse that is all squaring natal Pholus and close enough to give natal Venus a run for her money with transiting Sun closing in to the deal.

    Well, then – and that’s All?
    Nothing but cleaning house. Brain not in gear, nothing but cleaning……

  2. Not just Sunday for me with the drifting. It lingered through Monday, and I took advantage of the legal holiday and ignored the “work” agenda. The plus side? Ah, I spent most all of Saturday, part of Sunday, and all of Monday immersed in Rev Rev Reality Check – Eric’s incredibly awesome 2012 horoscopes. Did four of the audios: Scorpio (Sun); Sag (cusp), Virgo (Asc) and Leo (Moon). Will do all again (and again), but for now, for today, I’m grateful that the to and fro restlessness provided the needed “excuse” to swim in Planet Waves. What was that admonition somewhere here at PW to take a day and do what you want? Check!!

    Now, the next immersion is to “read, mark, learn and inwardly digest” Mystes’ heartseed gift.

    Blessings and gratitudes.


  3. I am very onboard with the evolving opportunity message: that has been going since late last summer, and has shifted remarkably since then, all for the better.

    As for Aquarius approaching, I need the energy: home at last for a few weeks (astrologically speaking), with plenty of good to come. I feel it, I know it will be that.

    On a sadder note, and this is apropos Amanda’s friends’ passage, I had a second cousin kill himself on Friday. He was my cousins’ son, her first born I believe, and he had planned this whole thing for some months as everyone found out all too late. Neither his grandmother nor his parents are talking yet, nor want any contact either.

    I barely knew him: I met him first in utero, and secondly a couple of years ago when his great grandma passed. He was in his mid to late 20’s. Sadly, that is all I know, because I have next to nothing to remember him by, nor honor him. That is what makes it hard, that I should know him, I should know more, but I don’t. Our families have been physically distant forever (L.A. versus Washington state), and thus distinctly separate, with little interchange over the decades. Now it seems more urgent to mend the fences, tear them down really, and get to know them all over again before it’s too late.

  4. ‘Manda… Sounds crunchy your Sunday, with a big drizzle of fog. Sorry to hear about your friend, darlin; it happens a little too often these days, no?

    That glistening little point, under all the lubadub noise of the heart, is sorta the punchline of the Senses Ten. (Goddamn, but I’ve got to get that workshop to at least trot around the corral.)

    In the w/s we’ll start there and end there, I suspect. But don’t wait for me! Just follow your breath down to the spot between lub & dub – let it float there. Sooner or later your awareness will take the print (not-two! not-two!) and start to propagate into the rest of your sensory array.


  5. “Zerocity, I snorted a little with that ‘couldn’t decide to take a shower’ thing. Yah. That was me on Sunday. I was supposed to be working, but drifted around like a dandelion seed, completely unable to settle in. Then Poof! I blew into Monday.”

    ok, that makes three of us, then, on sunday! 🙂

    i know what some of my factors were (dark, obsessive relationship insecurities; pms; and the piece de resistance: news of a friend’s sudden death). just didn’t occur to me there might be others drifting too (and not showering). and i seemed to bring some of that inability to settle with me into monday… not sure how much “poof” there was, though a good phone conversation sunday evening had helped.

    really gotta see if i can find that little spot, mysti. it sounds powerful in its simplicity — and just what the “doctor” ordered.

  6. Be, thanks for letting us know about the tornado advisory. You’re in my heart, dame. May the winds recognize you as kindred, and treat you carefully so.

    (and SP, if you’re reading this – you and T, too… )




  7. Let’s zoom in a little: the tiny spot I am alluding to is a subtle body item, but it corresponds to the ganglia that spins off of the cardiac vagus rami. Physically that ganglia is right behind the aorta, and when it ‘fires,’ it produces that spike in the electrocardiogram. Open/Close! (at once)

    Once you find this spot, there is a ‘flywheel’ property that kicks in, it’s beauty continually reabsorbs your attention. It is like finding a tiny, flawless crystal ball in your body, where, like Danielle Voirin’s pictures, the whole world is encompassed – upside down, backward and perfect.

    In that instant ‘no seeking/no avoidance’ becomes the act that you perform in order to stay connected to that point. That activity may very well ramify into all kinds of other things, ideas, projects as you gain fluency in perceiving the world *through* that tiny crystal.

    Okay darlins.. I have to go be a part of the workforce right now.



  8. Thank you mystes for your continued and wonderful explanations! In tandem with the PW articles, I’m truly so grateful. And to other commentators too of course…
    Much love,

  9. On a more mundane level, the tornado warning sirens went off right here in River City about two hours ago. This is always “edgy”, but all the more so in January. I don’t know exactly when, but last Spring-Summer we were under a tornado warning and the sirens DIDN’T go off, and neither did the weather warning radios. The TV stations were all over it though, and fortunately there was only one touch down and no lives were lost. This might have happened around the eclipses and I will surely have to check on that.

    After the storm passed over, my neighbor who was at work called me and said he couldn’t get a hold of his wife by phone and that they had had some serious wind damage where he works. I told him all was well where we live and then went to check on his wife. All is well with everyone, but I get the feeling it was a test/trial for all three of us.

    In addition, as I mentioned to someone here yesterday, today is a Lunar Perigee (Moon closest to Earth) day and that will intensify all things lunar in nature.

    My personal astrology must include the sextile between Sun (self/consciousness) and Juno (partner/connectivity) both at 27 degrees of Cap and Scorpio. They form a yod with my nadir (home/family) in Gemini who opposes the Galactic Center (source). So for me it’s all about communication and warning systems and unpredictability and preparedness. It was also an edgy opportunity. You just never know.

  10. Zerocity, I snorted a little with that ‘couldn’t decide to take a shower’ thing. Yah. That was me on Sunday. I was supposed to be working, but drifted around like a dandelion seed, completely unable to settle in. Then Poof! I blew into Monday.

    HS, your interpretation of the ‘no seeking/no avoiding’ idea is your expanded version of it, filtered through how you *think* about ethics*and* approachablity/attraction. Which is great. You ‘ramified’ the idea. Splendid!

    I was in a specific state when I wrote that last week, a state that swings through now and again. At that point (and this jotting is kind of an echo, since I ain’t so much in that zone this morning) I was alluding to that funny little spot, tinytiny thing that corresponds to the vagus cardiac rami.

    Now, its mantra is : open/close! to the articular and ventricular blood volumes. It says this 60 times a minute or so, which means that *your body* knows how to do this strange trick: perform perfectly opposite things in the same instant.

    If you settle your awareness on that spot – roughly 4″ down from the bottom of the neck, and a couple of inches up from your sternum and *slightly* off to the left – your awareness will take a print off of what the Hindoos call ‘avadhuti’ or ‘not-twoness.’ I say ‘not-two’ instead of ‘one’ cause we *think* we know what that is :: Oh yeah, man, we’re all one.

    This is ‘not two’. It is an evacuation of twoness. That wee blank or void, is a dynamic little sucker, just like the vagus rami . The spot is not a ‘chakra’ – it is the *mother* of the heartchakra, the bij or fermentatious bittybitness of it.

    Find it and ‘no seeking / no avoiding’ becomes more natural than breathing. It’s vibration is *underneath* the ‘lub-dub’ of the heartsong. Once you’ve twigged it, paying attention to that becomes, as I said last week, a full time job.

    The bonus –so to speak– is that once your mind is fully absorbed in that seed, the Beloved (or a reasonable facsimile thereof *8^D) finds you. Always.

    Vince, here’s where the discussion began: http://planetwaves.net/pagetwo/astro-daily/down-in-the-heart-or-hidden-in-the-stars-venus-neptune-pisces/#comments

    All love, half-wit,


  11. dear hugging scorpio,

    first – thank you for your quick response

    what you explain i now realize is what i’ve been attempting in this recent relationship – which is different from all the past failures – i feel as if i’m being given a second chance in life

    it’s new territory for me but also a kinder one for my aquarian insecurities

    releasing expectations while being in the now is full time work

    i am rereading your response and this blog often today

    all the best

  12. I took a bit of liberty with “no seeking, no avoidance” to apply it to other situations particularly when – like MaryMack – the big ball(s) of stuff are coming at me. Today, the application to self was don’t seek out anxiety, fretting or worry but don’t avoid what I perceive is causing those reactions, because avoidance (of doing what needs to get done) certainly will bring about those reactions. The avoidance, in some ways, becomes the seeking. Kinda a long round-about way of telling myself “Just do it!” Clears the way for me to see beauty and love and imagine that into existence.


  13. dear Vince,

    When mystes gave me that quote to work with, it was in regards to me trying to alter my perception of how I engaged potential relationships. I was disheartened as all my efforts, however much they were not forced, were seemingly always met with the same result. This left me unclear as how to be active and positive, using opportunities and acting on them in healthy and productive ways – something I had not been doing for a lot of years. My fear of missing out where others have found results pushed me out of certain reclusive tendencies. I was looking to astrology for ways to help with many processes, but found there to be as many questions as answers. For myself, “no seeking; no avoiding” is a space of integrity. I am clear and honest with myself and bring that into my life experience. The characteristics of attraction will flourish in this environment, esp the healthy result of it. To be in that space where I am open and honest empowers me to be authentic. In not avoiding, I allow myself to explore unfamiliar experiences and vulnerability as well, so that I’m open to a potential I might have not considered before. It relieves the pressure, and in that clarity, reveals a way forward. And that is not a passive thing; it’s fully active.

    I hope I got this explanation correct, and that it was helpful. I hope others will chime in!

    Best regards,
    Hugging Scorpio

  14. “no seeking, no avoidance”

    while this blog is spot on i just don’t know how to proceed with this love affair of my life … need to understand more about the above quote …

  15. times I want to just chuck it and run, the energies so overwhelming and intense. I come here and you all pull apart the big ball of stuff coming at me and it’s a new day and I feel I can do this.

    thank you!


  16. Thank you especially for the elucidation of Jupiter-Chiron: An aspect that is in force (from now until Valentines Day) for a long as a eclipse cycle and which beings two previous eclipse cycles into the present by benefit of the aspects two previous occurrences. That is auspicious.

  17. Oh,yeah…”sense of urgency as well as vacillation” Goin’ to and fro like a pendulum, vacillating…can’t even decide when to take a shower…too immersed in the anaretic edginess. Thanks for the needed reminder, HS, of Mystes’ mantrum: no seeking, no avoiding. Okay. Breathing again.

    Meanwhile, back to the bookkeeping and tax stuff – that’s the avoidance part, not the seeking part.

    Time to stop, drop and imagine the spiritual ideal into existence. Thanks all.


  18. Today’s wonderful blog put a song in my heart and a spring in my step – starting with the gorgeous photo! Thank you. xxx

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