The Secrets of the Horoscope Column Revealed

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Dear Friend and Reader:

I’m here with a late-night blog entry about horoscope columns. Actually, I’d like to point you to a few archive pieces that do something no other astrologer I know of does — reveal the secrets about how horoscopes are actually written.

Eric Francis

Here is an article from the old question and answer series, called How Do I Write Horoscopes? This gives the basic theory, and then takes apart the columns of some of the best horoscope writers in the business, showing the astrology behind how they do it.

This next piece looks at how people perceive horoscopes; and gives the shocking news that horoscopes are mainly writing, and how writing itself is the real magic. It’s called, How Could It Possibly Work?

The Cosmic Voice of Reason continues this thread and looks at the horoscope from a psychological point of view. The premise is that horoscope columns would work even if astrology itself did not work. Weird, right? But I think it’s possible.


Rachel is covering for me in the morning. Something about the Olympics.

Eric Francis

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