Greetings, critters.
I’m not doing a Daily Astrology piece because I’ve said every gosh darned thing I have to say about the eclipse that happens later this afternoon. I do have a special podcast for you today, though. In the first half I describe the eclipse (hence, why I have nothing to say in writing, though I’ve covered much else about this event the past two days). I describe the eclipse in some detail and in some new ways, including how eclipses work and what this particular one is about.

In the second half, I do the natal chart of Rosanne Cash. I was in touch with Rosanne a few weeks ago, being one of the many people who asked her for a comment about Bob Dylan; when she mentioned that she shared a birthday with him, I asked if I could do her chart as part of my podcast series, and she said yes. She also graciously allowed me to select from her music, and this podcast includes three songs from her latest album, The List, as well as a cosmic story of someone more interesting than any documentary or movie has revealed. There is something a little extra that comes out in the chart.
There are few details I don’t get to in the discussion. I will state them without comment, except to say: this is a woman with a mission. Notice the Aries Point is on top of her chart, in the form of early Libra (in its manifestation as beauty). She has the Great Attractor rising. And she has the North Node on the Galactic Center.
Her chart is below. Thank you Rosanne — for everything.
To my readers: enjoy the eclipse. I’ll see you tomorrow. Here’s your media in the old player — that page has the full archives of the podcast, so you may review prior editions.
That’s a beautiful podcast by the way Eric – really beautiful.
Something strange – have done so much “clearing out” and letting go that I feel oddly empty, in fact, completely neutral, as though everything has in fact been “neutralised”, as though I myself have arrived at 0 degrees, as though everything has been voided.
It is a very uncomfortable feeling… No commitments. Feels like a good time to listen (to podcasts and other things…)
Really enjoyed today’s podcast. Speaking of Tradition, and making it one’s own, Kristin Hersh is one of my favorite artists who builds on the Scots-Irish “mountain” music tradition, and really makes it her own:
Some of you may appreciate her.
There is *something* in the air. First off the weather here is lovely today, (mercifully not like yesterday’s hot, hazy and humid) but warm and light with the wind stirring like crazy the tops of the trees right outside my open window where I write this. Then, just over an hour ago, I walked down a major street here in Toronto and I felt such elation — like on a mystical high — and I was conscious of soaking up some kind of celestial embrace like I have never felt before. The blue sky felt as if it was smiling right along with me……..needless to say it gave me goosebumps.
SiS: I actually got out in the woods on Monday last but didn’t exactly have the back rub (heh!) but I stumbled across a dead tree limb that so resembled a pair of female legs; long, slender and parted as if for making love, or, as it spoke to me, for birthing. I plonked myself right on the “vaginal opening” and slid myself down onto the grass! A brand new me! It felt quite amazing and I took a slew of photos to capture the setting and the natural sculpture. Because I’ve been sensing a birthing of a major new chapter for me this past week, it was yet another episode in a fabulous chain of experiences where I’ve dared pull out some more stops and blasted life on all its cylinders!
Now I’m off to write and burn my evocation for this new lunar cycle and I can’t wait to top it all off with this podcast tonight — which unfortunately will have to wait ‘cos I’m off out to a workshop on Goddesses. How timely!
talk about Voice! I can’t get those songs out of my head…playin’ around in there!
aaaah. yah. I know what you mean about the crying, I first listened eaarrly this am, and kept clicking back to listen again, crying my Soul out. straight to the core. ((HUG)))))))))))xtra squeeze…
that woman has some powerful Sabians in her chart. crikey! amazing! I really loved the speaking to ‘legacy material’, which is potent on many fronts, but *also* how it can (must?) be transformed by All of us, that everyone has the capacity to funnel and shape that material into something unique, something *only we can*, into something beautiful and potentially cathartic.
it has a simple term. it’s called a: gift.
All of us have our unique gifts. even if you think you don’t. you do. it’s in there. it’s There! Torch!!!!! (Chiron files, not funeral pyre, as in give up. can’t give up.)
I love how Eric shows how you can (((embrace))) tradition, & at the same time be revolutionary. don’t hear that message a lot. and it’s important. like there is some context and grounding in tradition that is almost necessary in order to be able to springboard into something truly great. truly wonderful. thanks Eric! don’t know how you do it, but your craft of blending storytelling, current events, healing, & astrology (to name a few) in a relevant, interesting Way is outstanding. clearly you have a Vision. PW keeps getting better & better.
reminds me of Recycling of Energy, Energy that might be in a dusty bin, or Energy coming through an ancient portal, doesn’t matter, something really cool can be done with that. ask a vulture. they know! they’ll show ya. (if you’re into that–extreme bird watching! ha!)
it’s working Burning, It’s Working….I can feel it on my end, and if I can feel it…..~
and Eris, yes. smile.
pre-eclipse 411: I’m sitting but floating. meaning when I get up to get snacks, (I graze) or check on the plants outside,
I float. and when I’m sitting I’m floating. because I love to levitate. and you’re supposed to do what you Love…and here I Am. yah.
back to painting. listening to some Goddess Astrology and then I !will! listen to this inspirational podcast again!
much Gratitude to Rosanne! your music is gorgeous, lovely, touching, profound….
peace & Loving rays…
ps. thanks shebear!! hopefully you are enjoying the forest today, climbing trees, talking to bees, or yes, getting a backscratch!!! >>>>>>
Thank you so much for the lesson on the nodes and eclipses. I had been reading a lot about the subject, still feeling confused. Your insight helped form a cohesive whole and yet dynamic picture. Gassho!
And Eris. What a surprise, huh? ; > )
Oh, I forgot to add: those Nodes are aspecting my Chiron and Saturn.
(North Node 2 Gemini conjunct 8 Gemini Sun) (in Taurus 10th House). (South Node in Scorpio 4th House, 2 Sagittarius.)
WOW. Light. It’s working, Sadge, it’s working. Thanks for your VERY IMPORTANT part in this happening for me.
Thanks Eric and Len and all PW staff and bloggers. Where else are we getting insight like this? May the blesssings continue to pour out: to us, through us and unto our beloved Earth Mother and all her children reaching for light and life.
Tears today listening to Roseanne sing “Girl From the North Country”.
Among other things, The Perfection of Beauty (often all about synchronicity) always does that to me.
i caught a sneak peek last night (not really that sneaky, but the full post wasn’t up yet), and i have to say it’s a great podcast. if you can even just squeeze the first half about the eclipse into your lunch break and then come back to the second half about roeanne after work, it’s well worth it.
SiS, Those angel wings are gorgeous. Thank you for creating that lovely image to carry around with me today. Angel kisses back to you and your infectious spirit.
Haven’t listened to the podcast yet and am rushing out for the day but I’m *so * keen to hear about Rosanne. I have always loved her music and now that I see we share the same rising sign to within a degree, I can see why. Belated Happy Birthday to Rosanne!
Angel kisses to Everyone!!
blessings to your day
*here’s to making it your own*
catchya later on….
excellent podcast,
pioneer spirit. that went **deep**. there’s the past. & then there’s….the Past.