Is it Uranian Enough For You Yet?

Dear Friend and Reader,

Uranus is getting ready to turn stationary direct, an effect that feels like a Mercury retrograde transition, except bigger and more blitzed-out. Perhaps you’ve noticed an extra shot of “zing” in the air lately.

We’re making snap decisions and then snap revisions while sudden revelations are popping to the surface, and, of course, our electronics are playing games with us. The cumulative effect can be a little like massive short circuiting. But then, that kind of buzz is also the brilliance behind genius innovation and bold personal transformation. It’s the juice that gets the job done.

For an idea of how this plays out, here are some fun Uranian-themed news items.

A San Francisco artists wants to replace her one artificial eye with a web-cam.

“There have been all sorts of cyborgs in science fiction for a long time, and I’m sort of a sci-fi geek,” said Vlach, 35. “With the advancement of technology, I thought, ‘Why not?'”

The eye cam could allow her to record her entire life or even shoot a reality TV show from her eye’s perspective. Vlach said she will let inspiration strike once she has the device.

“There are a lot of ideas floating around…nothing too exploitative,” said Vlach. “I don’t want to be a spy and infringe on people’s rights, and at the same time, there are amazing possibilities.”

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