This Week Was SO Gay!

Dear Friend and Reader,

I know Thursday was Thanksgiving, but this week was gay as Christmas. No, scratch that, it’s as gay as David Hasselhoff in this video.

Prop 8 news, an adoption win, Boy George, Harvey Milk and gay penguins: it could be that some of this stemmed from the Pallas Athene trine Chiron conjunction on Sunday, setting the stage for justice. She’s also been in Gemini since Aug. 4, so this week could have been brewing for a while. Gemini, as Genevieve explained to me, are the twins, symbolic of the same-sex and duality; so this combination of Gemini and justice sounds pretty gay to me, but I’m not quite satisfied that it’sВ Hasselhoff gay.

Shanna has added her two cents on the astrology of gay this week. She says:

“Uranus turning direct is terribly unpredictable, and because Uranus is associated with eccentricity and individuality, many in the gay community have claimed this planet as their own. So there’s that. Then there’s this T-Square going on between Uranus/Saturn opposition (But Uranus is pulling away from the confinment of Saturn) and they’re both squaring Pallas in Gemini, (keyphrase: patterns of duality). But there’s more! The resolution point (opposite of Pallas) is Cupido and Photographica in Saggitarius. Enthusiastic pictures of people we want to associate with…square the urge to individuate in our unique ways and (possibly) needing new structures? Getting loads of pictures about the flip side of partnership? (Sagg might answer a lot of that Hasselhoff question.)”

Whether attributed to astrology or not, we were here and queer this past few days. Proposition 8 protests have continued, and over 100,000 people have pledged “toВ carry petitions for a new ballot measure, which could come as early as the 2010 election,” according to Geoff Kors, head of Equality California. The strengthening of the opposition has also entwined with a weakening of Prop 8 supporters, which is the more interesting part of the story. Since the proposition passed, the media has picked up the issue for what it is: a civil rights struggle. And you know what the public thinks of people who are against a civil rights movement.

In an attempt to downgrade their status from Giant Assholes to Those Guys Are Jerks, the Prop 8 team is shaving off their more radical supporters, passing court orders that prevent the biggest bigots from getting involved in the coming court hearings.

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