The Minotaur played Nintendo while Atlantis drowned

Below is an essay by Planet Waves’ Genevieve Salerno on the myth of Atlantis, as an informative addition to Eric’s piece on Atlantis and the Large Hadron Collider, published in today’s edition of Planet Waves Astrology News. -RA

HISTORY IS A RARE feature of intelligence that no other known creature on Earth can produce. It is the story of a person, or an idea, or a place over a long period of time and through a long procession of decisions, troubles and triumphs. But what it really offers us, aside from a chance to take a nap if you happen to be a middle school student, is perspective to make better decisions.

The mistakes that humanity have made in its past give us more power now to make intentional decisions, and to act wisely.

This being said, in order for us to take a clear look at the technology running today, and compare it to Atlantis, we will take a look at the story behind Atlantis. It’s a pretty short story, which puts it at odds with science, which needs to have as much of the story as possible. But for the rest of us, it captures the imagination.

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