On Hurricane Sarah

Dear Friend and Reader,

Hurricane Sarah
Hurricane Sarah. Image by Rachel Asher.

When it comes to the weather, we’re thankfully only up to the letter “J,” with Hanna, Ike and Josephine in view. I’m talking about the political storm in this entry’s title, and by that I mean: Hurricane Sarah Palin.

While waiting for Eric’s continuing analysis on her chart, I’d like to bring you a fresh voice: Nancy Sommers of Starlight News, an astrology site that provides political commentary. Read below for Nancy’s article on the election, and Sarah Palin’s natal chart (which you can see in the entry just below this one).

A veritable cacophony has erupted with the selection of Sarah Palin as the GOP vice presidential candidate. On the Right, there is jubilation over her extremely conservative social positions including the criminalization of abortion, abstinence- only sex education, and the teaching of Creationism in the schools.

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