Friday: Sun conjoins Mars and other Exciters of the Sky

Dear Friend and Reader,

The official title of this entry was going to be something like “What happens when you light your bed on fire with a sun beam and a glass,” but that was too long. Suffice it to say what’s going on in the sky might be about as exciting to me as the upcoming Capricorn New Moon, and just as awe-inspiring as the just-passed Venus-Jupiter conjunction which I hope everyone got a chance to salute. Not only does the Sun conjoin with Mars today, but they do so with the Great Attractor as the looming backdrop and Ixion adding his gusto too. If that wasn’t enough to put my head in the clouds of contemplation, Mercury is also pressing a square against Uranus and Vesta is entering Aries. The breakdown of these energies goes something like this:

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

The Sun and Mars are in a conjunction today with Ixion and the Great Attractor. Here you have Ixion, which Eric has delineated as the part of a person that is capable of anything, including violent aggression towards another or towards the self in a manner that stops change from occuring. Mars the battle lord with the Sun glinting off his helmet seems like a pretty intimidating energy: it is the aspect which describes a state of mind where one knows EXACTLY what must be done and how to do it better than anyone else. If you throw in the Great Attractor, that big mystery of the sky that bends space and time and draws everything towards it at about 200,000 miles per hour, the situation can get pretty confusing.

It might look like a situation in which you find yourself with the heavy hand, or needing the heavy hand, or fleeing the heavy hand or not knowing where the heavy hand is coming from. Simply put, this aspect speaks to the dynamics of power and submission.

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