The Last Hurdles

Editor’s note: the following is a piece written by Judith Gayle, a feature writer for Planet Waves’ subscriber edition, Planet Waves Astrology News. She also writes a political blog, called Political Waves, where this piece was originally printed. –RA

With only 15 days to go, you’ve seen what the Right is using to slow up Obama’s sweep — race and voting issues. The McCain buzzwords which include everything from the far, dark corner under the kitchen sink, are hateful and frightening to the base — now it’s “welfare” and “socialism.” Mac continues to be rash with this mouth, alienating those who aren’t on his narrow, Red path.


“At least in Europe, the Socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives,” McCain said in his weekly radio address. “They use real numbers and honest language. And we should demand equal candor from Sen. Obama. Raising taxes on some in order to give checks to others is not a tax cut it’s just another government giveaway.”

That’s a quote from an article indicating that Obama drew 100,000 in St. Louis yesterday; 75,000 in Kansas City later in the day. As Obama opens up the world to unifying possibilities, McCain insults Europe, as he did Spain not too long ago. We will NOT survive this century if we continue to exclude and alienate. Old McPoopyPants is the cranky voice of continuing the national isolation George Bush made an art form.

CNN’s Blitzer noticed that too, throwing it for comment to Missouri swing-state’s Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt. Matt Blunt, Roy’s boy and our quickly expiring Governor, told us on Face the Nation Saturday morning that Sarah Palin was a perfect candidate for the Show Me state. On CNN, Roy defended Palin’s notion that small towns [Pea Patch style] are the home to real, pro-Americans [make that culturally conservative and religious.] Absurd!

The Blunts are just that, Neanderthals of a quickly fading era. Missouri is a bellwether — McCain currently leads by a single point and it’s dicey that he can hold it; the turnout for O yesterday set a national record. As well, Obama has turned so many traditionally Red states that bellwethers may not have much punch this time. In case you missed it — all truisms are moot this time.

The big news of the race today is Colin Powell’s endorsement of O as a �transformational figure’ prepared to lead the country. He spoke of the generational shift, he mentioned the larger topics of Supreme Court nominations and international goodwill — he was effusive about Obama and as enthusiastically damning of his own party. The question concerning moderates of all stripes, even those not effected by race, has been Obama’s readiness and experience; Powell just put that to bed.

And only the dense would refuse to see that Colin’s endorsement is the military-mind rejecting the out-of-touch military-model; that can’t be ignored. Troops are now sending four times the money to O than McCain; Powell’s selection won’t surprise them, but it may surprise a few others. And while endorsements at this late date don’t usually carry too big a punch, this one may.

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